Can I find 3rd edition Genki books … in Japan?

I am not really in a situation right now where I can order online. Is there anywhere I can go to buy these books in person, in Japan? Specifically anywhere in Tokyo or Yokohama, if you know any specific places. I have to been to a couple of bookstores in Japan, and obviously they aren’t selling any books that teach Japanese. At least from what I saw. Thank you!

  1. TOKYO:

    The **Junkudō in Ikebukuro** has a floor (8th floor) dedicated to language learning books ([site]( They have books for foreigners learning Japanese, like JLPT books. The floor has a twitter account too: [](

    The **Kinokuniya in Shinjuku** has the book too on the 7th floor (7F-F28, 7F-F27) ([floor map here]( with red circles)


    [Kinokuniya in Yokohama]( , [floor map]( (shelf number: F04-09), 在庫僅少 = only a few books left!

  2. How about at a university?
    If not, and I’m not in Tokyo so I can’t recommend there, but I have seen them at a few stores in Osaka so there should be stores in Tokyo too.

  3. Yes. I’ve found them in most larger chain bookstores like Tsutaya; you may haveq better luck in larger branches. Worst comes to worse and you can have them order.

  4. Go to AmazonJapan > Search > GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I [Third Edition] 初級日本語げんき[第3版]

    Delivered to your door in less than 24 hours if you order now!

  5. > I have to been to a couple of bookstores in Japan, and obviously they aren’t selling any books that teach Japanese.

    Are you going to really small mom-and-pop type places? It’s my experience that larger stores often do indeed have a section for learners. Thing is, it may not be expansive or easy to spot, and it might be labeled in, well, Japanese…but it is often there.

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