Comprehensive input besides anime and movies

Does anyone have any specific games/books good for comprehensive input?

anything besides anime or movies is good. my level is n4 to n3-ish (barley n3)

  1. Graded readers are good, especially if you want to practice extensive reading (in which you don’t stop to look words up). [There are a bunch of free ones]( If you’re a solid N4, you should be able to handle level 2 easily.

    [LearnNatively]( has user-submitted rankings by difficulty level if you want to try materials for natives. But just to set expectations, beware that, at N4 to low N3, you’ll probably have to do some catch-up work before the stuff ranked for N4 becomes actually something that you can read and understand without stopping often. It’s possible to get there, certainly, but don’t expect to open, say, よつばと and breeze through right away on the first sitting.

    (BTW, it’s _comprehensible_ input.)

  2. A quick google search will lead you to LearnNatively which has a ton of reading material listed in levels, for a start.

  3. If you go on Wanikani forums, they have reading groups for various skill levels with recommendations of manga and books.

    NHK Easy news is a good place to get some reading in everyday.

    Also, LingQ and Satori reader have some good reading material (that also include audio).

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