What are my chances of getting into Temple University Japan Campus

Hello Everyone, I’m applying for TUJ’s 2023 summer semester and I’m applying for a merit scholarship
I’ve written my personal statement and also my scholarship essay and I’ve also sent them all my documents but I’ll just like to know what my actual chances of getting accepted are.

  1. First off: Why do you *want* to go to Temple? It’s… Not a good school.


    Second: It’s literally impossible to say how likely you are to be accepted given the utter lack of information you have given us. We don’t know your GPA, or anything about your academic achievements.

    Even if you do provide more information, we *still* cannot answer that question, because we are not the admissions department.

  2. You have the same chance of getting into temple as you do at losing at three card monte , 100% Because they’re both scams

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