Docomo bike rental query. Help needed

Hi guys, in Nara I rented a red docomo bike. When I put it back I locked the bike. Now I got email saying:


 【施錠時刻】2022/07/28 17:59




このメールに返信されても、 返信内容の確認およびご返答ができません。

Ive left Nara now. What will happen? Will it automatically return ?

  1. Did you get the mail saying it was locked when you locked it? It sounds like you didn’t lock it properly. I would call them up and explain the situation or they may charge you for the time since then.

  2. If it makes you feel better I can’t figure them out. I rented one in Nagano two weeks ago. Yet to be charged.

    I hope you get it sorted OP.

  3. Return bike to the designated parking lot, lock bike, and press the bike’s enter button to finish the process.

  4. Does the app say that the bike is still rented? I’ve worried about this happening…

  5. Seems like you just locked it not returned it AND the GPS senses it’s not at a designated parking lot. This is a very unfortunate combination, as if it was at a designated parking lot, it would return itself automatically after 10 minutes.

  6. You need to call them and explain. Ive called with various issues two or three times, and they’ve always solved the issue for me.

  7. You need to contact them and let them know you’re no longer using the bike.

    I once tried to return a bike to a parking lot that wouldn’t accept it because it was “full.” I just left it, assuming/hoping it would be auto-returned at some point. It wasn’t, and I was charged for the entire time.

  8. Just call. Don’t expect to have it solved automatically. I have once paid 8000 yen for 3 days or something just because of this.

    Check if you can rent another bike, if not contact them asap.

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