Overtime Allowance in job description

On one of job description that I looked up. It is written that

Monthly salary from 400,000 yen + incentive bonus + other allowances

>The annual salary for the first year: 4.8 million yen and up
> \*Determined in consideration of experience and skills
> \*The monthly salary includes an overtime allowance of 30,000 yen, and we will pay the excess amount separately
>Incentive bonus / Twice a year (June and December)
> \*IRP (incentive bonus) system
>  Bonuses are paid twice a year if the contract amount with a client exceeds a certain level.
>  (Contract amount x reduction rate – salary) x number of months covered = bonus

Question is :

1. Is it mandatory to work overtime as per the monthly overtime allwowance worth?
2. If overtime allowance is 30,000. Then the basic salary is 370,000, which will be the salary base in bonus calculation?
3. Work location is in Tokyo or it’s surrounding area.Will it be hard to support a family with 400,000 yen/month?

  1. The overtime is pre-paid out meaning you get it if you don’t work overtime. BUT, when you do work overtime, you won’t see it in your pay unless you work OVER their allotted hours per month.

    For example, if they say they include 45 hours of overtime pay per month in your salary, that means from 0 hrs worked overtime to 45 hrs worked overtime, your salary for that month won’t change.

    There are millions of families who have less than 400,000 a month to live on. It all depends on what your family set-up is like. Is your spouse just not working? Doesn’t want to work? Are you a single parent or caring for elderly parents?
    Many factors.

  2. Sounds ギリギリ

    Survivable but won’t be comfortable, I guess. It’d be much better if your spouse could contribute as well.

  3. 1. That’s called 見込み残業. If they ask you to do overtime, then yes, it is mandatory.
    They can ask you to work extra 30h without paying you anything extra. However, if you work more than 30h overtime they will have to pay you. You will receive those 30,000 yen even if you work 0h overtime, or 30h overtime.

    2. Not 100% sure about this one, but I think so.

    3. No idea how much you will pay for rent, but me and my wife receive about the same amount when combined. We get by, but no luxuries and we don’t live in Tokyo.

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