How do I prepare this? There’s no instructions on the packaging and I doubt it’s meant to be eaten frozen lol

How do I prepare this? There’s no instructions on the packaging and I doubt it’s meant to be eaten frozen lol

  1. If this is your first time enjoying these, as others have said, defrost and enjoy — the first time I had them I thought the contrast between the chewy stretchy exterior and the sweet bean paste inside was strange, but somehow it grew on me.

    Not sure about all the flavors, there’s a lot, but my favorites have been sweet sesame filled, and strawberry flavored, especially if they put fresh strawberry in them

  2. It says defrost in fridge and eat within two days of being thawed, they should be squishy/ a little sticky to the touch

  3. It says defrost in fridge and eat within two days of being thawed, they should be squishy/ a little sticky to the touch

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