Japanese Language Scholarship except for MEXT

Hi, are there any universities (except for uni in tokyo) which provide scholarships for japanese language school? I have found scholarships from universities but it’s only for undergraduate but what if i take japanese language classes and then take my undergrad there in that university? Thanks!

  1. If I’m reading this correctly, you’re asking if there are scholarships for… Language courses?


    There are no universities that offer language courses outside of their undergraduate/graduate programs. If you just want to study the language you have to go to a private language school, and they don’t offer scholarships.

  2. Nothing like that I’m afraid. I’ve looked all over the Internet for it awhile ago, the only option you have is to fork out the cash and go over there to learn it.

    You could do a working holiday visa, but again… your focus shouldn’t just be on the language school aspect whilst.you’re there.

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