Would it be permissible in written language to use わ instead of は as a particle?

I find it odd that the former particle isn’t typically used in written langauge as a subject particle compared to the latter so for the sake of simplicity, am I going to have to use as the subject marker and thjust go with this exception?

  1. You could do it, if you want to use understandable but incorrect japanese.

    Yuo culd aslo ignoa al englisch conveschions that you sink are stupit and moust pipl will anderstand yu.

    Whether you think that’s a good idea is up to you.

  2. I find it odd that so many Inglish words aren’t spelld phoneticly or hav silent letters, so wood it be permissibl too rite them differently or am I going to hav too go with thooz excepshons?

  3. Because the topic marker particle was never わ in the first place, it’s just that the particle は was pronounced (quite often, but not always) as “wa” and they decided to keep that pronunciation for the particle は after they revised the writing system.

  4. No. は being read wa is a holdover from a long time ago. If you use わ instead it would mess with people’s brains.

    You’ll get used to it soon enough.

    >am I going to have to use as the subject marker

    I don’t know what you mean here exactly, but among other things, は is used as the topic marker (i.e. it marks the thing/topic that is being talked about, not necessarily the subject). The subject of a sentence is the entity that “is or does”, or in the case of passive voice, has something done to it.

  5. It’s wrong. But you can do it. Makes you look like someone who better use diapers just in case.

  6. If you can’t deal with は, just wait until you start learning kanji. Or words that don’t map 1-to-1 with English words. Or word borrowed from English, but given a different meaning. Or any of the many anomalies that natural languages have.

    Also, writing it as は makes it stick out as a particle better than わ would anyway, IMHO, because few words end in は.

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