Employer refuses to give me my payslips. Worried about tax implications down the line

Hello people of Japan life! I’m back with yet another post asking for clarification about my current situation because I don’t know how to navigate it.

I’ve been in japan since borders opened back in March. I’ve been working here at a small startup pretty much since I came here. I haven’t received a single payslip since I’ve started.

The real issue is that my taxes aren’t being deducted from my monthly pay as of right now. For example if my contract states I get paid 400,000 a month inclusive of health insurance, pension etc, I’ve been receiving the full amount. I’ve asked the person in charge multiple times why the amount is not correct and he’s stated that the accountants are “busy” so they haven’t had the time to do my calculations and “by next month youll recieve it”. “Once the calculations are done the entire tax for all months will be taken out at the same time.” Unfortunately after the first two months of asking the person in charge refuses to even acknowledge if or when I’ll receive my payslips or not. I’m actually meant to receive an extra 50k a month for rent and transportation but I don’t receive that either, just my base salary.

Just to rub salt into the wounds the we have received emails and mails from the pension service, hellowork etc saying that none of the required taxes have been payed.

My question is, will I have to pay my pension, health insurance and unemployment money from my own pocket at any point in the future? I have a health insurance card and I’ve checked with the pension office and I have been enrolled into the pension services via the company but none of it has been paid (from the mails I’ve seen).

I’ve tried contacting the labour office but unfortunately they don’t seem to be willing to help. All they say is “just ask him to provide the payslips”.I’ve called them more than once and this is the only response I’ve gotten unfortunately.

Any advice, insights or general comments would help alot! Thank you in advance!

P.S. Sorry that every one of my posts seems so negative. Ive been enyoing living in japan so far but my current work situation is really doing my head in and my last post here was super helpful for my mental state.

  1. Legally, you’re responsible for your taxes and insurance payments, although most employers usually take care of those for their staff. The labor office in Japan is a joke, it basically does nothing but document and file complaints. It rarely takes any action on the complaints that it gets.

  2. Sounds like your company is screwing you over royally.
    You’ll end up behind on your taxes, pension and health insurance which can get you into a lot of trouble down the road.
    Do you have health insurance?

    PS: get your taxes sorted and get out of that company asap.

  3. This happened to me. They’re screwing you over. Get what you need and get out. Consult an attorney if you need to. There are free services available.

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