As anyone ever been stopped by a police officer for wearing your headphones while riding your bike?

This evening, I was stopped by the Japanese Police for **THE FIRST TIME EVER** in my life after buying my bicycle and riding it since April 2021. His patrol car was in the middle of the road, then he got out of the passenger’s seat to run towards the sidewalk and signaled me. He told me to take off my headphones and proceeded to talk with me. Even though I look 90-100% Japanese and know fluent Japanese, he asked if I was a foreigner and I said yes. Probably because I responded in English or something, I forgot due to being shocked in the moment. At first, I thought he was going to ask if I had stolen the bike. He asked for my bicycle identification papers, but I didn’t have them on me (and now I’ll carry it with me all times). I told him that my apartment is close by and I can prove it was my bicycle if it’s all right to go together. He responded it was okay and proceeded to do the bicycle information input while communicating with his co-worker. He took out a yellow sheet, which is the traffic violation paper. He circled the bicycle section and under it I saw the following:

* ignoring traffic signals
* riding without lights
* two people riding on the bicycle (those anime scenes lol),
* riding side-by-side
* not riding on the bicycle lane
* riding with an open umbrella
* riding while using your mobile device

Under the violation rules, they had rule’s number and the fine’s amount written. However in その他 (Other), he wrote イヤホン (earphones). He told me wearing my earphones (Apple AirPods) is not allowed because I need to hear the noise around me. Then, he said I was okay and let me go. He was kind a police officer and said it was my first being stopped my police officer. He told me not to worry and that I’m not in any trouble, just a warning. My Japanese friend responded to my instagram story and told me earphones that block your ears are not allowed, but bone conduction earphones are basically okay. Rules differ depending on the prefecture.

I wanted to share my story to warn everyone that you may be stopped by a police officer for wearing headphones that block noise. It was shocking because I’ve passed by patrol cars before with my headphones in and was never stopped. I was stopped today for the first time for this reason.

And now for the final question, has anyone ever been stopped for this reason?

  1. First off is I’m sure every single person who reads this post is going to be so excited to tell you because that seems to be the way this sub works.

    It is illegal and up until now you’ve just been very lucky.

    However I want to say I’ve been stopped for the same thing and my experience was much better.

    A cop just yelled at me and said hey what the hell are you doing and I said what and he said it’s illegal and I said oh my God I’m so sorry I didn’t know I really didn’t know I’m so sorry and he just said don’t ever do that again and sent me on my way.

  2. Happens all the time, I’ve been told by an officer over the speakers on his patrol car, that was the end of it. Unless you’re riding recklessly, it’s just a warning and move on.

  3. I often wear one of these cheapos that you have in one ear in order to understand the commands of the auntie in the navi or to take calls. It has never been an issue, maybe because one ear still stays free, but I might as well have been lucky for a decade or two.

  4. As mentioned, it’s illegal. As is holding an umbrella or smartphone. Years ago, there was a discussion here about the type of headphones that don’t cover the ear (bone conduction or something), but I forget how that went

  5. I have never been stopped in 17 years, but am also curious if you have earphones that have both noise cancelation and passthrough sound would those be allowed. In effect, they act the same as many hearing aid devices and actually help me hear better.

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