What’s the Real Reason You Want to Learn Japanese?

You can only choose one, but what is the real reason you want to learn Japanese? What is the goal you want to achieve?

A. Being able to purchase and read full Japanese written manga (ZERO ENGLISH)

B. Being able to have a basic conversation with a Japanese person

C. Watch any anime I want without having to read the subtitles and being able to fully understand it (or having to look at the screen)

Remember, you can only choose one

  1. B for travelling. Nothing worse than being in a country and not knowing their language 😭

  2. If I can only pick one, it would have to be C. But it’s really A, C and D (all types of Japanese media).

  3. B! At some point I want to visit Japan and the idea of being able to read or understand nothing terrifies me. So, yeah.

    Anime & Manga would just be a nice side benefit!

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