want to change mobile phone companies.

I got into the country 2 months ago so i went with the convenient option of Mobal. However they are expensive and i dont get as much bang for my buck. What do you recommend for a decent phone company…im looking for something with a good amount of data that wont break the bank. my bill for mobal was 13K this month but thats only because i had an international call that needed to be made and because america loves their wait times…i was on the phone for an hour (it was important and had to take that hit to the wallet) and they charge per minute. looking for any recommendations…ideally with decent amount of data and reasonble. my current bill normally is around 4400 yen per month but hate that outgoing calls are charged….is that common among all phone companies? its been unavoidable having to call companies here to get life started. i know this might be a stretch, but english support would be a plus and id like to keep my number the same.

  1. Do you mind taking just little but of efforts of going through previous threads? Google is a good place to start.

  2. If you can read Japanese, see kakuyasu-sim.jp – if not, enter it into G Translate.
    You can get a cheap plan through campaign/cashback or a no frills cheap SIM.
    It all depends on how much data you use per month, as a general recommendation have a look at Rakuten Mobile, IIJmio, ahamo.

  3. > id like to keep my number the same.

    Lol not going to [happen](https://support.mobal.com/blog/tag/mnp/).

    Also try using Skype credit if you have to call overseas.

    You’re gonna have to start from scratch number wise. Check out Kakaku.com or just go with POVO, or AHAMO. Or try googling or using the questions thread above.

  4. USA is 1c a minute using LINE Out.

    You can get 5, 10, 15 minute inclusive calls via some providers but of course this will cost more. I tend to just use LINE.

    Use kakaku for comparison and choose.

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