About to get an offer for a top tech Japanese company

Hey folks, recently I’ve concluded a hiring process for a top high tech Japanese company (HR interview + Technical interview + High manager interview + HR interview) so now I’m about to get an offer to Japan, the problem is that on the last HR Interview I was asked about my salary expectation and fall into the trap saying a number (¥15M year) so the HR come back to me saying that this salary is quite high and they want to negotiate. My actual situation is the following: 34 years old single Male, living as a high skilled immigrant in Netherlands with around 10 years of XP in the semiconductors area, working for a top high tech US company with an annual salary of 100k euros (all included) year. For me ¥15M is quite reasonable, obviously I need to take into account all the perks (a formal offer was not made yet) so what do you guys think?

Thanks in advance!

  1. 15M is a little higher than average for ~10 years of experience among the larger Japanese companies, but the larger Japanese companies can pay that (and more) if you’ve got good enough skills. If they want to negotiate they’ll likely try to get you down to 12M as thats more “average” for your years of experience. Usually the best way to stick near the 15M is to be a finalist at more than one of them, and bid them against each other. The talent acquisition teams can be quite competitive if you’re good and have a competing offer.

  2. >For me ¥15M is quite reasonable,

    Did you do any research on salaries in Japan before you threw out that number? Or did you just convert your euro salary into yen and say “this is what I want”?

    Salaries in Japan are almost universally lower than salaries in the US or Europe, especially in tech.

    15 million isn’t *ridiculously* high for 10+ years of experience, but it is ***well*** over average.

    Also: Just because you completed the interview process doesn’t mean you’re about to get an offer. Plenty of pale go through the full interview process and the don’t get an offer.

  3. 15M is pretty high for non-management or non-application specific mid 30s engineer. Average mid 30s here is more like 7M.

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