Interac Spring 2023 LOL…

We all know that those who got hired on were given the 2023 email. They also gave the hope (0.01% chance) of a Fall 2022 arrival.

I just spoke with them (Interac West) to find out where they at in the backlogs. They stated that they haven’t even finished the 2020 hires.

Yeah, I don’t think that they will get in the 21’s AND 22’s (AND the 23’s?) by the time Spring 2023 rolls around.

  1. I applied for the 2022 Spring departure group, and am shipping out next week. I’m not sure there’s a rhyme or reason to who gets priority and who doesn’t. I’m Kansai & South Central though, so could just be certain regions getting more applications than others.

  2. Considering all the contracts they’re losing I can’t imagine them having a spot for the vast majority of these backlogs.

    I wouldn’t be too optimistic about your chances, get a back up plan.

  3. Ditched my application to interac last year when I got the first hint of backlogs etc. I mean it’s fair enough, there’s only so many they can hire but I don’t understand why they’re still recruiting if they’ve got so many waiting? I don’t know. Anyhow, I’d recommend looking elsewhere and just keeping a very sharp eye on Gaijinpot (i.e. apply for new job openings ON THE DAY they are posted). I scored a pretty decent position from doing so after ditching all the chain eikaiwa and alt dispatch company applications. Sure it’s rural but I’m a rural person anyway. Keep on the lookout and tune your application and cover letter individually to each place you apply to!

  4. You were talking to a branch office. They don’t handle the overseas people.

  5. Apparently Interac either messed up with numerous BoEs and/or numerous BoEs determined that the quality for less stellar dispatch companies is worth the savings. Don’t expect to get in with Interac because they have to keep the people they brought over here already into positions before they worry about people coming in from overseas.

    If you read the posts here, you’ll know who they lost the contracts to. This… could… be a subtle hint on who to contact. 😛

    But again, once you’re here, if you want to be here long-haul, work on your networking, teaching, and language skills.

  6. Apply to Altia Central, they will be hiring for overseas candidates from around May time according to their website. better bet than waiting on Interac. If the situation is as bad as you described it, I would already start looking for alternatives. Although many on here like to shit on Nova, I have found them very helpful and corresponded with me quite quickly despite the presumable high volume of applicants and my interview and recruitment process went swiftly. I will be flying out in July, just waiting for my COE to be processed. So if you want to do the eikaiwa route give Nova, AEON or ECC a try. Anyway, if the ALT route is your chosen path, then definitely try Altia Central or if you are a bit more prestigious give JET a go(Even though it has a reputation of being a tedious application process, judging by what people have said, I’m sure despite this you would be in Japan earlier with JET than with Interac at this rate).

  7. Is this indicative of the JET program as well? Just curious what my chances are if I want to teach internationally in fall ’22

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