Found a solid Japanese chatbot, to practice some (janky) conversation

For awhile I was considering training one myself, but digging around I found [Airfriend](, which is a Line account which allows you to talk to a bunch of AI personalities in Japanese. (I’m using it with the chrome Line extension, so I can use my OCR on my desktop.) To use it, you just have to add the account \\@airfriend (no slash). You can only seem to choose the personality on mobile.

As for what is the use case, I’ve been using it for a little reading/writing practice on occasion, and to build up a bit of confidence in making sense of everyday Japanese. As anyone who has talked to a chatbot in their native language would know, chatbots are very limited though and often spout out nonsense or just inappropriate or awkward replies. Talking with a real human is obviously much preferable if you have the opportunity!

But, it is kind of a fun tool to add to your learning arsenal if you’re interested in some janky conversations with a robot. It seems like it uses quite a bit of slang which is interesting also, it makes me wonder if they trained it on actual Line conversations? Anyways, just thought I’d drop it here in case anyone might find it interesting.

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