Best place to propose?

Hello! I’m an American who has been working in Okinawa for over two years now. I met my girlfriend over a year ago and we have been inseparable ever since. We have been talking a lot about our future together and I think it’s time I start planning how to pop the question. We love to travel and I plan on proposing on one of our trips next year, but I’m unsure what a
amazing spot would be. Any suggestions?

  1. My suggestion would be to wait. One year? Too soon my man.

    Do you live together? Do you have pets? Do you both want kids? Does she want to work after kids? Where does she want to live?

  2. The question is more important than the location. I had a huge thing planned at a fancy speak easy while we were all dressed up and ended up popping the question after we took a nap in the hotel room. If she is really the one, it won’t matter where you ask.

    Not a single one of my wife’s friend’s or family asked how I proposed. Only who I am as a person and if she is happy.

  3. Just casually ask over dinner, “Feel like getting married?” “Oh cool, me too.”
    Done and done

    If you want to be really romantic, hide a wedding ring in a spam filled onigiri. 🍙

  4. Where are you planning to travel? I can give some advice about things I’d love as a woman planning to get married in the near future, but I don’t know about your girlfriend so take it with a grain of salt!

    * During illumination season (Marunouchi etc) very basic bitch, but it makes for lovely photos/memories

    *Sakura season outside of a big city to avoid crowds

    *Some photography companies specialize in taking Milky Way proposal/wedding photos in the inaka.

    *Some special once in a lifetime gourmet dinner with a bottle of champagne

    *Island or Onsen vacation with a private room/bath/pool. Super romantic

  5. How about choosing a place that has some sort of meaning for both of you? Mutual importance, meaning, memories, etc?

    Just as an example – me and mi wife, we used to live in different parts of Japan before ( me in Tohoku, she in Kanagawa). When I visited her, we went to Enoshima a lot. That place had something which made us to go there again and again. So I decided to propose there.

    Rather than a place, her response should be more of your concern, I reckon 😀

  6. It was Umikaji Terrace Senagajima for us at sunset. Well, we went for the sunset and I intended to propose then, but was hella nervous and we sat there in darkness until I finally built up the courage to do it lol

  7. I decided to propose at the park where I also asked her to be my girlfriend 2 years earlier. I figured a spot meaningful to us might be nice compared to a place we’d never been. Best of luck!

  8. Not sure on your GF but a lot of girls love the idea of being proposed to at Cinderella’s castle in Disneyland. I did the same thing and you can do it just near where the official photographers hang out so you can get your photo snapped immediately after (book the photographer through the app/website beforehand).

  9. Miyakojima has a few amazing spots, the bridge to ikemashima always has nice views, and so does the lookout above Irabu island.

  10. I proposed to my wife only after 6 months and have been married 22 years. Sometimes you just know. Good luck to you.

  11. If you are looking for a scenic overlook in Okinawa, Chinen Misaki Park is (or at least was, when I was in Okinawa) a beautiful spot. I would scout it out. Hopefully, it is still the same.

  12. It sounds like you maybe did, but definitely talk about actually getting married. Like the answer to the proposal shouldn’t be a surprise, but the when should be imo, if they even want to be surprised. Ask what your long term plans are, children, etc. In my case it was easy because we were separated due to covid and I “jokingly” said “ok what if one of us gets a marriage visa to live in the other’s country” and it took off from there. I already knew her answer 100% before I proposed. We had actually gotten rings already, she couldn’t wait.

    Anyway, I recommend a beautiful spot in or visibly near nature. We had to make due during corona but I was also thinking of proposing while traveling domestically or abroad. I popped the question at a small, local, quiet, pond actually. Crystal clear water with a blue tint, locally famous for clean water you access from an outdoor tap maybe 100 meters away. We had our feet in the pond and were just chilling and talking. Then I decided that was the moment.

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