Can I get a drivers license in Japan?

So I’m moving to Japan from the UK in January to teach English and was wondering if it’s possible to get a full Japanese license. I currently only have a provisional license in the UK and due to covid practical tests are fully booked in my area till 2023. So although I won’t be a citizen can I still get a Japanese license even though I don’t have a full drivers licence back home?

  1. You can most certainly get one. My understanding is if you don’t have one from your home country/didn’t live in your home country with it being valid for 90 days or more, you have to start from zero like a Japanese person getting it for the first time. It’s quite expensive. I think upwards of 30man.

  2. Yes you can get one through classes like any other person, but you cannot get your UK one converted. You’ll need a full license and will need to live 90 days in your home country after getting it to qualify to convert.

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