JPDB Now Supports Sentence Mining in MPV!

I’m going to cut to the chase for the introduction. has recently [added support]( for sentence mining right inside of the MPV video player using an official plugin.

[**Demo Video**](

**Disclaimer;** Currently, a patron subscription is required to sentence mine, however the owner of jpdb has said that the plugin will be available to the public in the future.

Sentence mining works like this:

1. Open any video inside of [MPV](
2. Import Japanese subtitles
3. Play the video!

* **Move your mouse to the top right and a settings button will appear**. There are two options that enable audio and screenshots for sentence mining, enable these!
* Green words are known and blue words are words you haven’t learnt in jpdb yet
* Hovering over words shows their definitions
* Double click a word and it will instantly add the audio and a screenshot along with the sentence in jpdb for that word (see the first bullet point).

I know for many, the lack of the ability to sentence mine in jpdb is the reason some people haven’t switched yet, so I thought I’d make a post now that it’s possible. Jpdb’s main feature is it’s SRS, like Anki, however what separates it from Anki is that it is designed *specifically* for learning Japanese – it removes all the unnecessary hassle of having to set things up and makes things as quick and easy as possible. Jpdb has a great community and many contributions are being made each week; such as browser extensions, third party software, and user-made decks. Not to mention all the prebuilt decks for practically all popular media, and if it doesn’t exist, either make it yourself by pasting the script into jpdb or ask the owner to add it! Any questions are welcome, you can find us on Discord [here](

Lastly, if you don’t have subtitles for a certain show you can use an AI called [Whisper]( which does significantly better than YouTube’s autogenerated subtitles. I explain how to run Whisper locally on a 64bit Windows machine with a NVidia GPU [here]( (gtx 1050 or better recommended).

  1. I’ve been a JPDB user for over a year now, but this plug-in has been such a gamechanger! Makes me even more excited for the future of JPDB, given how many positive changes and additions there have been.
    But also I’ve used .ass files (yeah yeah ha ha) just fine. Sometimes I need to re-save subtitles I download like, from youtube as an .ass file in Aegisub and then it works just fine!

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