Ideas for 5-day meal prep, high protein Japanese breakfast/lunch?

I usually eat a two-egg tamagokaki gohan, pickled veggies and natto for breakfast or lunch. Does grilled fish hold up til day 5? I usually only prepare fish the night before or day of, but some days I’m too tired after work to start cooking. Rice and yakiimo for carbs definitely. On really lazy days, I’ll broil a veggie burger then pour tonkatsu sauce and add a raw egg over rice, but the sodium in that is killer.

Looking for a simple vegetable dish (besides komatsuna) or tofu meal that I can make by the batch. Ideally 40-50g protein per meal, low sodium, low sugar, high carb. Thanks!

  1. I’m a big fan of roasting stuff, so I’ll roast meat (sometimes in liquid for tough cuts), veg (in olive oil, herbs, and spices), etc. on either Sunday or Monday. Many people will talk about not eating food in the fridge for more than 3 days, but it’s never been a problem for me. If it looks good, smells good, and was properly cooked and stored, I still eat it. I do try to prioritize seafood in the first few meals, though.

  2. Rice cooker with rice + chicken breast/thigh + carrots, peppers, whatever + consomme, soy sauce, whatever. Press button, eat, put some in fridge, and freeze the remaining. Anything else requires effort.

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