Japan court rejects long-stay visa for U.S. man in same-sex marriage

Japan court rejects long-stay visa for U.S. man in same-sex marriage


  1. Sigh, yeah. I’m not Japanese, so maybe it’s not that newsworthy, but I had a similar experience. They told me they would give my wife a “cultural activities” visa, since they were not allowed to give her a spouse one. Then when we went to immigration they told us they couldn’t find the person who promised me that and that they were not going to. They basically said it is not impossible, but it is very difficult to get.

  2. I thought that Japan would respect marriage certificates issues by other countries. I suppose that’s not the case. Spousal visas are subject to whim? Shameful.

  3. Well, we have to respect the Japanese Constitution. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to live in Japan. Do your best in your home country.

  4. Japan doesn’t recognize gay marriage certificates, especially if they involve a Japanese national. Not really surprising or unfair.

  5. Based Japan. If Americans and other westerners want to be degenerate, keep it out of Japan. Decadence at its best and typical America trying to force other countries to accept it.

  6. Deeply shamed as a Japanese. All because of ignorant Japanese people and the obsolete culture that cannot escape the traditional belief of genders.

    In Japan, women’s rights aren’t even entirely granted so it’s highly unlikely that LGBTQ+ Rights would be protected in the first place.

    News like this makes me genuinely want to leave this country.

  7. Surprise surprise, it’s about a degenerate American trying to impose western standards on another country

  8. I for one applaud the courts for standing by its own Constitution, which by the way 50% of it came from the U.S. Constitution. Unlike in America where an apple is an orange and visa-versa.

  9. Japan acts all open on tv when it comes to the lgbt community but this is all show. The younger people seem to be alright with it but most people over 30 still have sticks up their butts. It’s all pretty shallow and fake here.

  10. I have never seen westerners complain about the Muslim religion.
    Islam forbids gay marriage.
    Why can’t we say anything about Islam?

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