Tips to prepare for a coding interview?

Hello everyone!
I have an interview lined up in all Japanese which I’m trying to prepare for. I have decent Japanese, but I mostly talk about programming in English, so I want to get used to terminology and grammar of possible questions.

I guess they will ask me standard reverse linked list type problems, so I’m trying to search examples of these in Japanese but not a lot of stuff comes up. I’m looking for something like Hackerrank YouTube channel but in Japanese. Does anyone have any clues?

  1. Most programming terminology is english.
    I imagine you will just get questions like “(katakanaised “operator”) 何ですか?”.

    You will at least know what to expect next time.

  2. Just make sure you know your programming skills their hire you for your coding knowledge not Japanese.

  3. Is this a Japanese company? In my experience Japanese interviews are rarely technical and they’ve only been service level. In a senior engineer position I was asked what a static variable is and what is a class.

    I don’t know what type of company it is but you can search for the technology in Japanese on YouTube and just listen to how they talk about it. If you don’t know the name you can always put the English term and then 日本語. Here’s an example of Java Spring Boot in Japanese.

  4. I interviewed for some Japanese coding jobs, and even though my Japanese is barely at the level where I can read Shonen Jump comics or watch children’s TV, I didn’t have any trouble. All the technical stuff was in Japanese-accented English.

    You’d probably make a lot less than 1M JPY/month working for a Japanese company, though.. I’d recommend trying to get in at the Japanese branch of an American company, since 1M+ is doable and in the long run you’d have some career prospects

  5. I would Google some Japanese tutorials so you can pick up a few key words. But the following should help you regardless.


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