Pasmo transit in progress issue

Stupid situation: I got the train back from being out drinking the other night and my phone was dead, my Pasmo wasn’t scanning at the gates of my home station and it was 6am and I was very drunk so I just walked through the gates because nobody was around except my friends.

Now everytime I try to use my Pasmo it doesn’t work because it says there’s transit in progress. I tried using Suica instead today through my Apple wallet but it just switched back to Pasmo when I tried to scan it. I ended up having to buy paper tickets from the machine, then when I got back to my home station I tried to scan my Pasmo again to close off the journey in progress but it didn’t allow me to. I’ve also tried removing the Pasmo from my wallet so it stops switching back to that but it doesn’t allow me to while transit is in progress.

Will this expire at some point or is there any way to fix this through the machines? I would have already talked to station staff if I could actually speak enough Japanese to do that but I’m thinking that might be my only option.

  1. Yeah take it to the counter, they’ll scan your phone and fix it and give it back to you. Explain the same thing you said just now here in this post.

  2. You need to go to the ticket window at the gate and have them manually enter and exit station.

    The card is literally telling you what the problem is, it has entered a station, but hasn’t exited aka transit in progress.

    It needs to be told an exit station.

    Basically you need to pay for that ride back home.

  3. Also note that most of the time even if your phone is dead, the passmo still works. I confirmed it with an iphone and a Pixel

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