Any tips for living in Koriyama, Fukushima and travel?

Hi everyone, I’m kind of new to reddit and english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry for any mistakes.

I came to Japan about 2 weeks ago for a kind of internship and I’m going to stay until mid-January. I don’t speak much Japanese and although I came for work I also don’t want to waste the oportunity to travel and get to know a bit more of Japan.

However, I have been told that there’s not much I can do for a weekend near Koriyama where I live and work (besides visiting Aizu) and since I don’t really speak the language or have any friends here I feel kind of awkward going by myself to restaurants and other places.
Does anyone have any suggestions?


  1. You’re going to have to get over that awkwardness, and just do it. Japan is very forgiving of lack of language knowledge, and you’re not going to improve unless you get out there and challenge (and embarrass) yourself.

  2. I’m not very familiar with what to do in Fukushima besides Aizu and Yahataya, but it has plenty of onsen and quiet towns. You’re also around 2.5 hours away from Sendai and Utsunomiya, so there are plenty of options.

  3. On the Shinkansen Tokyo is an easy day trip even, just a little expensive for short trips perhaps. This weekend is a three day weekend though, so maybe a good to travel somewhere.

  4. You could go up to Fukushima-shi, or if you’re willing to spend a couple hours on a slow train (or pay for shinkansen) Sendai. Unless you tell us what you’re into it’s hard to recommend specific places/acitivites.

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