What’s your experience living in the countryside? Is it actually really cheaper there?

Hi! This sub was recommended to me, so hopefully I am not breaking any community policies. Feel free to take it down if it does.

I used to live and work in Osaka but I had to leave the country during the start of the pandemic (before lockdown) to be with my family and other personal reasons.

I’m ready to move back to Japan (I’m a Japanese citizen, but I was raised elsewhere until I was an adult), and all of my work is now online so I thought, it would be nice to live in a more quiet, rural place. Mostly because it would be cheaper (or so I heard) and I’ve lived in a busy city all my adult life since that’s where I found employment, but now I am no longer required to commute to work. A change of pace would be nice. (I also have 3 dogs that I am planning to bring with me and a 1K apartment life in the city would just be absolute chaos.)

So… how is it actually like to live in a rural area? Is it really affordable to rent a house with a garden? Do I really need to learn how to drive if I wanted to buy groceries?

1 comment
  1. Well it’s not like flicking a switch and there are degrees of rural vs city and it depends on where in the country you are. Generally the more rural it gets the more benefits you get from having a car. I haven’t seen any detached houses for rent so it’s more likely looking like a buying situation:

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