Pension refund / visa question

I looked a bit for the answer to this and wasn’t able to find it, so apologies in advance if this is really obvious.

I’ve been working in Japan for 4 years and am considering returning home. I still have 2 years left on my visa and my understanding is, some ambiguities aside, I would normally be able to keep it open and return if I wanted to. (Just need a special re-entry thing if it’s over a year).

So the question is, if I leave, and do my pension refund, would I also have to terminate my visa and get a new one if I wanted to return? It’s generally my assumption that that would be the case, but I felt it best to make sure.

Also, I’d assume that if I deal with my tax stuff now I can deal with it in my current prefecture, but if I move somewhere where I know less people, I can’t deal with the tax stuff back where I was previously.

Context: Flip flopping about whether I want to stay or go home, go home for a while, etc. etc. The pension thing is a non-insignificant amount of money so I want to take care of it properly.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

  1. If you refund your pension, you must not have any address in Japan anymore means you’re leaving Japan for good, and your residence card will be marked since you won’t come back to Japan. And you can refund your pension.
    If you use special re-entry, you must pay the nenkin and hoken since you will back to Japan again.

    So your question can I go back to my country, refund my pension, back again to work to Japan with same visa that I used before.
    Anwer : No !! It is dream for many people, but no, you can’t do it. Just choose, leave Japan for good and refund your pension OR go back for one or two year with special entry and pay nenkin and hoken for that time, and ready to work again without refund your pension.

    Btw what kind visa do you have ? If it is Engineering, i think if you don’t work for three months, the embassy will take your visa and you can change it to another type visa

  2. If you have a work visa, it doesn’t matter if it’s expiration date is two years in the future. If you don’t have a job for longer than three months without communicating with immigration about your job search efforts, your visa status can be revoked. If you don’t maintain a residence, your visa can be revoked. And to get the pension, you have to prove you’ve given up your residency.

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