Good study books?

Hello, I am a current American high school student and I am planning to take the ap jappanese language and culture exam. Does anyone know of any good books to use to study? Books for people of all levels of knowledge are appreciated, be that for people who know do little they can’t get an n5 on the jlpt, to people who can easily get an n1. I see a lot of books online but it is tough to know which ones are actually going to be useful and which ones are just a waste of money. Any help is appreciated and thank you for your time.

  1. Cliche answer, but Genki is probably your best bet. For learning kanji, no matter how far you want to go with it, I recommend KKLC to everyone. Don’t worry too much, if it’s labeled “language and culture” the language part is not going to be all that intense or difficult

  2. What would be the point of people suggesting books for those who can easily pass N1 if you’re nowhere near it?

    Why don’t you tell us where *you* are and ask for some good books for *your* level where *you* are *now* and maybe a wee bit into the future?

    Don’t worry about higher level stuff that’s still years down the line. Sure as hell don’t *buy* any of them yet. All things in their due time.

  3. There are two AP Japanese textbooks that are amazing the first is Dekiru (look up cheng and tsui AP Japanese) and strive for a five AP Japanese (look up Cheng and tsui AP Japanese)

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