The Final Words of Antonio Inoki [Subtitled]

The Final Words of Antonio Inoki [Subtitled]

  1. Hard to watch but ultimately a very good message. Don’t let your elder relatives spend their remaining years alone. Even a small amount of your time could feel big to them. With that, I think I’ll go see my mum tomorrow.

  2. This was the last thing I wanted to see and I am not sure at all about what to think about it.

    My respect for Inoki is just greater if possible, my problem is with how they possibly made him go along with this thing just in order to have people visit him or something.

    People should have stood in mile long queues to go visit this legend.

    It feels disrespectful and exploitative and as if those that are filming it in some ways are pushing him to it.

    (Edit: and I couldn’t care less who they are supposed to be. Their giggling and strange behavior and many other details feels distasteful.)

    Did not feel good at all…

  3. Bro, I really didn’t like watching that shit, yet at the same time Inoki was as dignified as ever, man lived hell of a life and seems to be happy and grateful on his death bed, which is as good as it can be, I suppose

  4. If you’re reading the comments before clicking the video, I’d suggest not clicking it. I wish I didn’t watch that, that was really depressing.

    The legacy that guy had, the amount of lives that he impacted, only to see him like this days before he passed left me feeling really uneasy.

    I’d like to think that he spent the last bits of his life on his own because they had to keep him in a bubble for fear of him getting sick. But it’s entirely possible that his family just stopped visiting him.

  5. This reminded me very much of the last days with my grandmother. Death in the elderly is a process, it’s not just a single moment. So painful to watch.

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