What tree would you plant?

If you had a little garden and were planning to plant a new tree (just one), what kind of tree would you choose?

(could be for looks, could be for fruit, could be Japanese native, could be a foreign species available in Japan… anything)

  1. Probably a kumquat. They seem easy to grow and I assume the fruit develops fast/plentiful enough that you don’t have to worry too much about pests destroying all of them. Other citruses would be a good alternative.

  2. We had room for four and went with a cherry blossom, mikan, lemon and Japanese maple.

  3. I’m looking at ume for spring, momiji and ichou for fall and some daidai to cover citrus needs in winter.

  4. Citrus, like a yuzu, lemon, lime, some kind of orange maybe.


    I like other fruits too, but those are always on my top favorite.

  5. I would first make triple sure that there are no pipes or plumbing anywhere near that area.

    Then I would research what type of caterpillars are most common in your area and plant something they don’t like.

  6. What you have is a small garden so it’s better not to plant anything which eventually gets bigger or taller than your house.

    The First 3 – 5 years would be honeymoon periods with many trees but branches eventually will start overgrown to the walls and your house wall would start getting moldy if what you have is a small garden.

    Also most tree roots would eventually get into your pipes seeking for water, so you might want to avoid anything planted near the pipe.

    You might want to avoid trees cherry blossoms, they attract caterpillars. There is a very historical cherry blossom growing mountain where I live, and those neighbors next to the cherry blossom trees suffer respiratory issues from caterpillar hairs during spring. It’s lovely to have them blossoming though.

    Anyway that will leave you only a few choices I guess.

    In my case, I downsized the list to Abelia, Ardisia crenata,  Dafne, and Nandina and a few others which don’t grow that big and do not attract caterpillars that much. I eventually got the dafne cutting from  one of our neighbors so we’ve been growing Dafne since last year.

  7. Depends on the region that you’re living in.

    We just planted lemon and yuzu 🙂

  8. We got a maple, we have to cut it back quite severely to keep it the size we want (not growing higher than our 2nd floor.)
    It’s nice to have the red leaves, and it doesn’t attract bugs , unlike our neighbor’s yuzu.

  9. I’d recommend mint & rosemary. Very resilient, and useful in both cooking and cocktails.

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