What are the standard working hrs per week and salary?

I have seen a lot of people complaining saying that 30hrs per week is too long or salary 270k being too little.

I’ve lived in Japan for more than 7 years and currently working 40hrs/week with 200k and this is the BEST deal I have ever received. I used to work 50hrs/week for 170k, 44hrs/week for 150k, 60hrs/week for 120k.

Now, Idk if I’ve been getting bad luck all this while or are people complaining too much about little things?

I am not a teacher or working in Eikaiwa

  1. First off, most permanent jobs aren’t calculated by monthly salary, but yearly salary, due to bonuses.Also, “standard” depends on the company/industry, of course.

    My previous job (IT company, sales), I was making about 10.5 mil a year, and was working 60 hours a week.My current job (Business School), I make about 8 mil a year and work 35 hours a week.

    My first job out of uni I got paid about 4.5 mil a year and was working 50-65 hours a week


    edit: are the salaries you’re giving weekly or monthly?
    Usually people post their yearly salaries for clarity

  2. >7 years …. 200k

    Your job seems to be inflation-proof. What’s the deal? Eigo sensei? living in inaka?

  3. 200k a week is much more than the vast majority of people will ever receive. Definitely no reason to complain except you work something super specific where the average is much higher

  4. Were you working in an underdeveloped country? My partner is from an underdeveloped country and made similar, but the cost of living was so low that it felt like he was making a lot of money.

    In Japan, especially a big city, 300,000 yen per month is the -minimum- people need to live comfortably and have modest savings. In a lot of cities around the world, this would be poverty level wages.

  5. 200k what? 200.000 Yen per month @ 40 hrs? That is around what you would earn as a part timer working 40hrs in a combini….

  6. 55hrs/week for 1,250k. Not an English teacher although I play as one on the weekends.

  7. It really depends on what stage of your career you’re at and in which industry. When I first arrived in Tokyo about 10 years ago, I made 360K with 50 hours per week. After 7 years I was at about 570K monthly with same working hours. I work in the service industry.

    30 hours for 270K sounds like good deal to me.

  8. What are your qualifications and where do you live? You can spin it how you want but 160hours/month for 200k¥ is low.

  9. 40h/week and ~230k/month after tax. Non IT engineering job with bachelor degree. Can manage to save decent amount and not having to worry about where I buy my food.

  10. >a lot of people complaining saying that 30hrs per week is too long

    Link me 3 (read, three) sources.

  11. There are no general standards since we all work in different industries & have different skillsets. You’d have to list the job types to see how long people work & how much pay is on average.

  12. Teaching English, with 7 years experience here and 14 over all working with kids, 280k was my highest in Tokyo. Buddy of mine is good at playing hardball and gets 300k

    Honestly feel like I deserve a bit more from my current job, because the work is extremely tough at times, with lots of overtime. Other hand, I made minimum wage (¥900 an hour) in every single childcare job I worked in England so… perspective says I have it pretty nice.

  13. Depends where you live. 200k per month it’s actually a good wage in Okinawa. There are lots of people making 160k per month here.

  14. This sub is filled with White collar People but me as a blue collar The wage range is from 200k to maximum 350k monthly, and there is important things such working as full-time, for agency or being itaku.

    I don’t think The salaries is that bad but The 円安 is fucking us

  15. I work 40 hours per week and would not work more, except in the most extreme irregular situations. Max I have done is maybe 45.

    Total annual comp is about 18 million at the moment.

    Careers here are no less diverse than anywhere else IMHO, so answers are going to be all over the place.

  16. 30h per week is too long?
    I think they referred to overtime not actual regular time as that would be part time job. 40hours seems rare to me as well. Maybe it is contracted for 40h but then you get the 30h Minashisangyou (overtime that is included in contract). So effectively even when not hitting the threshold you would most likely be in for 50 hours upwards at the lowest.
    My first job was also shitty and I had 180k/month after tax (no bonus all year) which is pretty harsh for Tokyo. If you live in the countryside you will be able to get by but in Tokyo longterm you will be done for as soon as you have any higher expense like hospital stay, electronic devices (repairs), housing contract renewal or moving. I think 250k net is ok for survival but to live comfortable around 300k would be necessary. If you have anyone to support even more.

  17. “Standard working hours and salary” depends on what you do and where in Japan you work.

    You haven’t provided either of those, so how should we know?

  18. I’m making 190k + 8,000 attendance per month for 40 hours a week, or 256 working days per year. After taxes, insurance, etc, I get 165k. It’s not a lot, but I work for my wife’s parents small bakery company. We only took the deal because she inherits the company in about 10 years, plus we get to live rent free in our grandpa’s house until we inherit it as well. I don’t really know what average is, but at least it’s over minimum here in Okayama so I’m content.

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