Need Help in applying for jobs in japan from India

Forgive my english for errors. I am a **Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering student** studying in the final year of my college in India. **I would like to apply for jobs in japan**. However, I do not know which websites or portals to apply through. I don’t know the requirements and eligibility either if I were to apply for an IT or related company. I have searched over the internet but because of not knowing a lot of japanese companies I could apply for and having not found any website that lets me know of companies that are currently hiring overseas students I couldn’t help but post here. If you are somebody who has gone through the process of applying as a fresher in japan in your final year of engineering college I would love it if you could guide me through. If possible please explain to me about the work culture, lifestyle and how hard it would be for indian students to settle in japan – in short everything an indian fresh graduate would need to know before deciding to settle in japan. If you are not an indian but can still guide do not hesitate to post even in that case.

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