
Alright. I work as an ALT. I had a Japanese girlfriend before coming over here. She was incredibly helpful in getting most of my apartment set up. Mostly the electrical/gas companies is who she talked to.

I went to see her again in Nagoya in August (I live in Chiba). After that time being together, my feelings had changed. Fast forward to September, I had told her on four different occasions that I don’t feel this relationship is the best for either of us.

Today she sent an email to one of my schools claiming that I stream exclusively with my students. My twitch can claim otherwise. The staff at my schools know me well enough to know that the email is false but they still had to go forward with the formalities today.

I’m curious if there is any legal action I can take on this. The claims made in the emails are absolutely false and were said so by my ex-gf in a call today. She’s threatening to harm herself if I take any action but this seems too serious to pass up. Any advice?

  1. I can’t give any advices regarding legal matters. Good thing you dodged a bullet there… 🚩🚩🚩🚩

  2. >She’s threatening to harm herself if I take any action but this seems too serious to pass up. Any advice?

    I don’t know you or her so I can’t go into granular detail but I have two exes in my life who claimed they would self-harm/commit suicide if I did XYZ. I did XYZ and neither self-harmed as far as I’m aware.

    Really your options are to give in to what is basically emotional blackmail and hope she doesn’t self-harm….**or** you message her telling her to stop doing what she’s doing (namely spreading false information and trying to discredit you, contacting your place of work wtf lol) or you’ll take legal action. That’s the end of it.

    Nip that shit in the bud.

    Plus, glad to hear that your school(s) are cool about it and trust you over her.

  3. I mean, there’s no real ‘good guy’ in this story is there.

    On the one hand she’s clearly a nutcase you should block and get out of your life asap and you have dodged a massive bullet.

    On the other hand you were her boyfriend who she thinks moved half way round the world to be with her, helped you move here and get settled etc etc then presumably you noticed your odds were a little better in Japan than back home / she doesn’t seem as good as she did when she was the only Japanese girl around and now you can trade up so you dumped her. Which is your right, but I think anyone in her situation would struggle to keep cool when dealing with you never mind a psycho like her so again the best thing to do -for both of you- is make sure you never contact each other again.

  4. Slander and defamation are taken very seriously here. You should consult a lawyer (basic consultation is free or cheap) and involve the police if needed.
    Whatever she says,she won’t harm herself. She just want to toy with you and make you miserable.

  5. Wait if you work as an ALT why didn’t your contracting company do all the apartment setup for you?

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