Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (October 05, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. Having some trouble with this part:

    > カズヤたちは、今にも寺本事務長が戻ってくるのではないかと不安で,気が気ではなかった。

    I can’t quite figure out what is going on there with のではないか.

    In context, カズヤたち were assaulted by 寺本事務長 (てらもとじむちょう) and they defended themselves, beat him up, and tied him up, but they are afraid of him still because he is a dangerous guy.

    気が気でない just means they are uneasy about that

    寺本事務長が戻ってくるの would be a noun version of てらもと’s return, which is possibly what they are uncomfortable (不安) about.

  2. Hit a wall in my studies lately. Since starting JP in January I’ve read graded readers, NHK easy news, 80 some volumes of manga, a few light novels and visual novels and my reading speed has not improved at all. I actually think I’ve gotten slower at times, which is crazy since I’ve learned so many more words and gotten more practice in. People always say your speed improves the more you practice, but I feel like at this stage experiencing next to no growth I gotta be doing something wrong. Anyone have any tips?

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