Japan Travel, COVID-19, And You: Tourism, Discussion, & Pandemic News Update Thread – October 2021

##**October 2021 – While we could have more information on entry to the country now that the votes have been confirmed, it it is not likely to be immediately afterwards. Information pertaining to Tourism entry only will be added here, and concerns on Work/School and Family entry should be posted in the relevant subreddits. Please be patient.**

##[**The ban on all New Entries for tourism will continue at this time.**](https://www.japan.travel/en/coronavirus/) **We do not anticipate the borders reopening to International Tourism until 2022, and although there is now movement and plans being set in place for Business/Work Entry – nothing firm has been announced by the Japanese Government in regards to Tourism. We do not anticipate any news on this topic until after the Japanese General Election, [scheduled to take place October 31st](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Japanese_general_election).**

##**At present, entry is only permitted for Japanese Nationals, Permanent Residents, Foreign Nationals with residency IN Japan, Spouses or Children of those groups. If you need to travel to Japan as a non-resident under special exceptional circumstances,** [**please contact your Japanese embassy or consulate for further information.**](https://www.mofa.go.jp/about/emb_cons/over/index.html) **All Questions regarding this topic will be removed, and should only be broached with the relevant Government Agencies prior to your trip. Our focus in this subreddit is tourism only – as such we have no answers for you here.**

**Please check** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/search?q=Japan+Travel%2C+COVID-19%2C+And+You%3A+Guidelines+On+Travel+%26+Pandemic+News+Update+Thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) **for previous Pandemic Megathreads on this topic, dating back to 2020.**

##**Frequently Asked Questions – October 2021**

>- **”Should I buy tickets for tourism in 2022?”**

>- **We strongly advise if you do, that the tickets be refundable or rebookable – bare minimum.** If the borders do not open on January 1st at 12am, but do reopen February 1st, March 1st, or June 1st (as examples), you will want to either have your money back, or have the freedom to book a later trip. **If you cannot afford the cost of refundable tickets at this time** (as an example – $8,104.56 for a fully refundable Economy fare on ANA flying out of YVR in June 2022), **we strongly advise waiting until the borders are officially reopened to International Tourism before you book ANY non-refundable fares** – currently sitting at $1,695.66 for the same departure/arrival Economy ticket on the same dates as noted above. We understand the excitement to go back on vacation, but being able to refund your tickets and have cash in hand if needed for a new date or another emergency or concern is always going to be more important than travel anywhere, at any time.

>- **”What if the borders don’t open in time for my flight?”**

>- If you have already booked a flight, and are worried you may not be able to make the trip in 2022 (early 2022 opening is not guaranteed at this time), we advise you to carefully look over the refund/rebooking policy with the airline you purchased your tickets with. They will advise on what you will be entitled to, and you can make your choices from there. If you have booked tickets that are non-refundable or cannot be moved, the discussion is with the airline, and we will not have much help for you here.

>- **”Will Japan reopen for tourism to those who have already been fully vaccinated against the virus?”**

>- While Entry requirements for Work/School/Special Exemptions/Family Reasons should not be taken as proof of entry requirements for Tourism, [**as of September 9th, the Japanese Government *has* advised that quarantine will be shortened for Business Entry to 10 days from 14 days for people with full doses of Moderna, Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines prior to entry.**](https://archive.ph/M95Qr) There is no word yet on any other vaccine types being accepted by the Government for approved entry. Further information on vaccine certificates for entry is included in this [PDF from the MHLW,](https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/000836955.pdf) and an updated list of areas is included [here.](https://www.mofa.go.jp/files/100244979.pdf) Note that at this time, this refers to entry for those with approved circumstances, but it may provide some perspective for what tourism documents may be needed for entry in 2022.

>- **”What about entry procedures for tourism? Will quarantine still be in place when the borders re-open?”**

>- **Realistically, it’s unlikely quarantine will be required for tourists to enter Japan in the future.** The process and procedures currently in place for entry by those with valid Visas or other entry documents is [long and detailed, and dependent on where you are arriving from.](https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page4e_001053.html) As a result, **when tourism begins again we do not foresee these steps being necessary to complete for entry.** **From September 9th, vaccination status will be acceptable to shorten quarantine for those with approved entry into the country – it seems to be a safe assumption that this may spill over into tourism entry in the future.**

>- **”What about the Vaccine Passport?”**

>- This is an official record issued by municipalities showing a person has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 while in Japan. **They are not reciprocal and the borders are still closed for tourism IN Japan by Foreign Citizens.** More information can be found [here,](https://www.timeout.com/tokyo/news/japans-vaccine-passport-what-it-is-where-you-can-use-it-how-to-apply-for-one-072821) for those who would be eligible to apply. Further information on vaccine certificates for entry is included in this [PDF from the MHLW.] (https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/000836955.pdf) Note that at this time, this refers to entry for those with approved circumstances.

>- **”I am still in Japan and need to renew my Tourist Visa, what do I do?”**

>- You will need to contact the Authorities at the [Immigration Services Agency Of Japan](http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/) to confirm you are still able to renew and continue your stay if necessary.

>- **”I am arriving in Japan for a stopover while on the way to another country, what do I do?”**

>- Transit through Japan is ONLY possible through [Narita Airport,](https://www.narita-airport.jp/en) [Haneda Airport,](https://tokyo-haneda.com/en/index.html) or [Kansai Airport](https://www.kansai-airport.or.jp/en/) at this time. Those looking to transit in Japan are generally allowed off the plane first, and expected to move to their next gate as quickly as possible and wait there for the connecting flight. At no time are you allowed to depart the airport after arriving via flight from another country, regardless of the length of your stopover. To do so will subject you to mandatory quarantine before you would be able to continue your journey, possibly even if you were carrying proof of vaccination. **Any questions or concerns should be directed to your airline, any comments in regards to this topic will be removed from this thread.**

>- **”I need more information as a potential New Entrant for work or school, as I am affected by the ban. Where should I post?”**

>- Please go to /r/movingtojapan. [They usually have a Megathread pinned to the top of their subreddit for discussion.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/) **All questions in regards to this topic will be removed from this thread.**

>- **”I need more information on re-entry with the new restrictions, as I am affected by the ban. Where should I post?”**

>- Please start with [past /r/japanlife Megathreads, especially in regards to quarantine measures.](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/search?q=covid-19+discussion+thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) As restrictions change frequently, you will want to speak with your Embassy in regards to the permissions required in order to enter at this time. Further information on the Quarantine process on arrival is available [here.](https://soranews24.com/2021/05/27/everything-you-need-to-know-about-quarantining-in-japan/) **All questions in regards to this topic will be removed from this thread.**

##**Confirmed Cases & Vaccination Rates – Updated: 10/31**

[**Japan currently has 1,723,231 (+229) confirmed cases, and 18,280 (+7) people have died.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/tags/82/)

>- **Total number of 1st vaccine doses administered to general population as of 10/29:** [**97,711,358 – 77.2% of total pop.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/coronavirus/vaccine/)

>- **Total number of 2nd vaccine doses administered to general population as of 10/29:** [**90,154,382 – 71.2% of total pop.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/coronavirus/vaccine/)

##**Monthly News Updates – October 2021**

**10/31** – [**From The Asahi Shimbun – LDP on its way to an outright majority, Japan exit polls show**](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14472236) **Mod Note** – Results are coming in live. As of this update the LDP sit at 273 seats – an easy majority. Final numbers will be made available on all major news sources in Japan.

**10/28** – [**From The Japan Times – Japan’s top COVID-19 adviser urges cautious pace in opening border.**](https://archive.ph/gVjsc) Japan has relatively strict border controls, blocking entry of most foreigners except for returning residents and others with special status, including spouses of Japanese nationals. The country still requires a 10-day quarantine for fully vaccinated travelers. Though the delta variant already has spread in Japan, replacing other coronavirus strains, Omi cited the risk of new variants. “It is very important to see whether various variants spreading worldwide could enter” the country by opening borders, he said.

**10/26** – [**From The Mainichi – Over 70% fully vaccinated in Japan, among top 3 in G-7**](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20211026/p2g/00m/0na/080000c) The inoculation rate is now almost on par with Italy, which is second only to Canada, where 72.65 percent of the total population had been vaccinated as of Oct. 16. (Mod Note – Welcome to the Top 3, Japan.)

**10/21** – [**From The Asahi Shimbun – Experts warn the resumption of nightlife could halt drop in cases**](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14465551) The greater Tokyo area and the Kansai region continue to see a rise in foot traffic, even though it is not as steep as what it was a week after the state of emergency was lifted, the institute said.

**10/21** – [**From Kyodo News – Tokyo, Osaka to lift COVID curbs on eateries on Oct. 25 as infections drop**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/10/c37a99ea065f-breaking-news-tokyo-metro-govt-to-lift-covid-restrictions-on-eateries-monday.html) Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike told reporters it is hoped the lifting of restrictions on eateries will significantly stimulate the economy, while adding she is reluctant to “suddenly step on the accelerator.” “In December, we’ll have uncertain factors (that can lead to the spread of infections) such as people participating in year-end parties or traveling to hometowns during the holiday. We will proceed while watching the situation.”

**10/20** – [**From The Asahi Shimbun – Only My Number card accepted to get smartphone vaccine passport**](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14464635) The agency aims to begin issuing the digital version of vaccine passports in mid-December to those who received two shots of a COVID-19 vaccine. A dedicated smartphone app will allow users to choose which information to be displayed on smartphone screens to protect their privacy. The government expects smartphone-based vaccine passports to be used to show proof of full vaccination of customers at restaurants as well as spectators at live music and other events.

**10/20** – [**From Kyodo News – Tokyo area set to end COVID-19 restrictions on eateries.**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/10/783e5d59d5ec-tokyo-area-set-to-end-covid-19-restrictions-on-eateries.html) Once the restrictions are eliminated in Tokyo, some 102,000 eateries certified as taking coronavirus measures will no longer be asked to stop serving alcohol by 8 p.m. and to close by 9 p.m. The metropolitan government is also considering easing restrictions for about 18,000 noncertified establishments.

**10/19** – [**From The Asahi Shimbun – Errors in vaccine database could delay digital certificate plan.**](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14463846) Mod Note: This refers explicitly to local vaccination records, and this *might* not affect tourism by the time it is up and running – but it does speak to possible delays with the program overall which may curb the re-starting of Go-To Travel and other local tourism programs.

**10/15** – [**From The Asahi Shimbun – Fifth wave had fewer big clusters possibly due to vaccinations**](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14461519) The researchers found that large clusters of 10 or more people accounted for 58 percent of the total during the first wave in spring 2020. The figure dropped to 42 percent during the fifth wave this summer. They analyzed infection clusters of five or more people, reported as of Oct. 11. They compared the rates of different cluster sizes and locations across the different waves. The research did not take unreported clusters into account.

**10/15** – [**From NHK News – Kishida announces antivirus framework.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20211015_16/) Kishida said he has instructed relevant Cabinet ministers to take concrete measures even when the virus has double the virulence as the outbreak this summer. The outline of the measures was disclosed at a meeting of the government’s coronavirus task force on Friday.

**10/14** – [**From Kyodo News – Japan PM Kishida to outline COVID-19 response Fri.**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/10/c6f6d2449f2f-urgent-japan-pm-kishida-to-outline-covid-19-response-fri.html) Speaking at a press conference, Kishida said the future of Japan is at stake in the upcoming lower house election on Oct. 31, as he seeks a mandate to lead the country and the fight against COVID-19 just weeks after becoming prime minister on Oct. 4.

**10/13** – [**From The Japan Times – Kishida not ‘optimistic’ about Japan’s COVID-19 situation**](https://archive.ph/eVY8d) “Now that the coronavirus situation has calmed down, we will prepare for many kinds of possible scenarios and work on ensuring the security of the people,” Kishida said, answering questions from Toranosuke Katayama, co-leader of Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party). Kishida said he will ask relevant officials and bodies by the end of this week to present an overall outline of the government’s coronavirus measures.

**10/12** – [**From The Mainichi – Japan experts warn of double COVID, flu winter outbreak threat**](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20211012/p2a/00m/0sc/017000c) A sudden rise in both COVID-19 and flu patients would strain Japan’s health care system and increase the burden on the field, and this may trigger a medical collapse. While flu outbreaks were not seen last winter, contrary to general expectations, specialists have shown concern over a potential double outbreak this season. “It is necessary to make preparations, taking into account the flu outbreak in autumn and winter,” read a recommendation by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry’s advisory board in a document it released on Sept. 27.

**10/12** – [**From The Asahi Shimbun – PM Kishida says Japan to start 3rd COVID vaccine shots in December**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/10/72d8c58fbbd4-kishida-says-japan-to-start-3rd-covid-vaccine-shots-in-december.html) The health ministry decided last month to give booster shots to people who have gone at least eight months since receiving their second dose, citing studies that show antibodies that protect against the disease decrease over time. The vaccine rollout in Japan began in February among medical personnel before expanding to people aged 65 and older in the spring followed by those with underlying conditions and finally the general population. “We will be making preparations based on the assumption that we will start it as early as December,” Kishida told a Diet session.

**10/12** – [**From NHK News – Vaccinations decreasing in Tokyo as demand wanes**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20211012_28/) NHK has learned from authorities of Tokyo’s 23 wards that most of them have already scaled back vaccination programs or plan to do so. Seven wards will end either group vaccinations or individual vaccinations by the end of this month. Koganei City plans to close down its group site at the end of this month. City workers called on people to go out and get their jabs without delay. The program will be scaled down from next month and shots will be administered only at the municipal public health center.

**10/11** – [**From The Mainichi – Can Japan actually achieve COVID herd immunity and prevent a 6th infection wave?**](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20211009/p2a/00m/0na/009000c) Initially, the Japanese government thought herd immunity could be achieved if 60 to 70% of the total population could be made immune to the coronavirus through vaccinations. This percentage is generally derived from the “basic reproduction number,” the average number of people one infected person transmits the pathogen to. The coronavirus’s basic reproduction number was said to be two to three for the conventional strain. But now the delta strain, which is reportedly twice as infectious, has spread across the world. According to calculations by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that were included in an internal document reported by The Washington Post, the delta strain’s basic reproduction number is about 5 to 9.5 people on average. Atsuo Hamada, a special professor at Tokyo Medical University and an infectious diseases expert, said, “If these figures are right, we cannot achieve herd immunity unless we have at least 80 to 90% of the population with immunity via vaccinations. The hurdle has been raised considerably compared to conventional strains.”

**10/09** – [**From The Japan Times – Japan to test use of vaccine certificates with group tours**](https://archive.ph/jk2B7) The trial is aimed at checking the burden of related administrative work on tour operators, as well as how effective the use of the measures are in preventing coronavirus infections. Through the initiative, the government aims to create an environment for smooth travel as it hopes to achieve a balance between coronavirus measures and a return to daily life. The trial will be held between Friday and Nov. 14 and will be joined by Hankyu Travel International Co. and 10 other companies. The 38 group tours will include those from the Tokyo metropolitan area and those involving day trips. At the start of the tours, tour operators will check participants’ vaccine certificates and negative test results, based on their prior consent. Around two weeks after the trips, the participants will be individually asked whether they have contracted the coronavirus.

**10/05** – [**From The Asahi Shimbun – Japan’s dip in COVID-19 cases baffles experts; winter ‘nightmare’ still a risk.**](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14454654) New daily cases in Tokyo dropped to 87 on Monday, the lowest tally since Nov. 2 last year, and a precipitous decline from more than 5,000 a day in an August wave that hammered the capital’s medical infrastructure. The pattern is the same across the country. After a slow start, Japan has made rapid progress in its vaccination campaign and almost six months of emergency distancing restrictions have likely helped stem the spread of the virus. Nevertheless, the speed with which a wave of infections and hospitalizations fueled by the infectious Delta variant has ebbed away has confounded the experts.

**10/05** – [**From Kyodo News – Japan to consider when to restart “Go To Travel” tourism campaign.**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/10/bd30cc3f5c08-japan-to-consider-when-to-restart-go-to-travel-tourism-campaign.html) A day after assuming his ministerial post, Saito said he has been instructed by new Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to help the battered tourism sector while maintaining anti-virus measures. While international travel is still largely limited due to the pandemic, Saito said the government will uphold its goal of attracting 60 million foreign visitors to Japan by 2030.

**10/04** – [**From Kyodo News – Kishida takes office as Japan PM, calls Oct. 31 general election.**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/10/91cfe23bc3c7-japans-kishida-to-take-office-as-prime-minister-form-cabinet-monday.html) The election for the House of Representatives, the more powerful lower chamber of parliament, will be held Oct. 31, Kishida said, earlier than the first half of November as had been expected. […] Kishida said he will spend the next several days delivering his first policy speech in the Diet and taking questions from other party leaders, then dissolve the lower house on Oct. 14 and begin the campaigning period for the general election on Oct. 19.

**10/03** – [**From The Asahi Shimbun – Governors push for ‘5th wave’ explanation and ‘Go To’ restart**](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14453078) Niigata Governor Hideyo Hanazumi issued a plea for the central government to accelerate plans to revive its Go To Travel campaign as soon as it gains a proper perspective on the COVID-19 crisis. Fukuoka Governor Seitaro Hattori implored Tokyo to extend its Go To Eat campaign that is scheduled to expire by the end of December. Tottori Governor Shinji Hirai expressed hope that Fumio Kishida will draft pandemic related policies worth several tens of trillions of yen after he is sworn in as prime minister this week.

**10/02** – [**From The Mainichi – Japan’s health ministry urges preparations for 6th COVID wave amid lull in new cases**](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20211002/p2a/00m/0na/020000c) The state of emergency covering 19 prefectures across Japan was fully lifted from the beginning of October, but the number of people infected with the coronavirus during the fifth wave greatly exceeded the planned numbers of hospital beds, and there were numerous cases of people unable to be hospitalized dying at home.

**10/01** – [**From The Nikkei Asia – Japan’s COVID-19 state of emergency lifted as infections decline.**](https://archive.ph/mS0FY) Since people were asked to refrain from traveling under the state of emergency, the tourism sector has been seeing a rise in reservations for domestic tours and accommodation. All Nippon Airways Co. received about 50,000 reservations, about 10 times more than the average of a month ago, on Wednesday, a day after the government decided to end the state of emergency and the quasi-state of emergency, which covered eight of the country’s 47 prefectures. Meanwhile, Tokyo Disney theme parks and Universal Studios Japan will increase the maximum number of daily visitors admitted from 5,000 to 10,000.

**10/01** – [**From Kyodo News – Next Japan PM Kishida likely to dissolve lower house Oct. 14**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/10/542699bb7a63-breaking-news-next-japan-pm-kishida-likely-to-dissolve-lower-house-oct-14.html) The LDP and the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan agreed Friday to end the extraordinary session on Oct. 14. **If Kishida dissolves the lower house the same day, campaigning for the general election will start on either Oct. 26 or Nov. 2, with votes to be cast Nov. 7 or 14.**

**10/01** – [**From The Mainichi – COVID-19 state of emergency lifted but challenges abound.**](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20211001/p2g/00m/0na/072000c) Ahead of being elected the new leader of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Kishida, the former chairman of the Policy Research Council, said he envisions a further easing of restrictions around November when more people have been fully vaccinated. He, too, expressed doubt about the situation being under control anytime soon. **”The virus is repeatedly mutating. We have to think about the worst-case scenario,” said Kishida, who has indicated that a full easing of restrictions might not be possible until next spring.**

**10/01** – [**From Kyodo News – Next Japan PM Kishida to name Suzuki finance chief, retain foreign minister**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/10/5effef5a62dd-urgent-next-japan-pm-kishida-to-name-shunichi-suzuki-as-finance-minister.html) Fumio Kishida, the newly elected leader of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party, plans to appoint senior LDP lawmaker Shunichi Suzuki as finance minister and retain Toshimitsu Motegi as foreign minister, party sources said Friday.

  1. Feeling pretty good about these numbers overall. Infection rates are on a steady decline, ~60% fully vaccinated as of this writing, and an election that is already underway. I would be very shocked if we didn’t get a proper update on tourist entry before the turn of the year.

  2. I have bought plane tickets for March of 2022. I’m hesitant to book lodging because I’m afraid of the country remaining closed. Any advice? I know nobody knows what March will look like, but I’m also afraid of everything getting booked up. I guess I could make sure they offer reasonable cancellation refunds?

  3. I just don’t see Japan opening in time for January, which is the only month I can travel. Accepting defeat and just moving my entire trip to 2023. Longer wait but a whole lot less will-they-won’t-they stress.

  4. @amyranthlovely if I may kindly suggest in the FAQ section “I am arriving in Japan for a stopover while on the way to another country, what do I do?”

    That travelers should select a flight with their airlines that will let them stay in 1 airport only rather than the NRT-HND transfer.

    I only say this because I had to stop a co worker before purchasing his and his parents tickets to the Philippines. He got the cheapest JAL option but did not see the fine print of the airport transfer from Narita to Haneda, not knowing that he would need to quarantine once he leaves immigration. Thankfully we were able to select a different flight where he only stays in Narita airport for a few hours.

    Edit: Im glad I checked this thread as my family has messaged me that Japan is opening in January and I did some fact checking and reddit check. I need to break the news to them that if they plan to travel they still need to do the 10 day qt for now. Family has been trigger happy in trying to book flights without doing proper research.

  5. > “The virus is repeatedly mutating. We have to think about the worst-case scenario,” said Kishida, who has indicated that a full easing of restrictions might not be possible until next spring.

    Oh no

  6. Ugh, and I booked my march 2022 tickets thinking it was so ridiculously far out, no way it couldn’t happen. Welp, probably gonna be 3 years before I can travel to Japan when I intended, which was march 2020. :/ at this point it makes me want to give up trying to go there. Its not worth all the anticipation and excitement only to get let down every single time.

  7. I really really want to go in Feb 2022. I just wanna go sooo badly…like this is the only thing I think about every day. I don’t feel too optimistic now but I won’t give up at least until the election is over. Hope everyone makes it too

  8. Just got super excited after seeing the change in quarantine rules, but super disappointed after finding out that’s still only for business travel. Haven’t seen my SO for 2 years now. Fingers crossed for early 2022

  9. To anyone who’s interested to hear about it, I’ve been engaged in quite the epic struggle with Air Canada over my flight to Tokyo. In the summer of 2020, I booked a round-trip ticket from Columbus, OH for March of 2021 at an absurdly low rate of $415 (thanks, Scott’s Cheap Flights). I knew there was a high likelihood that my flight could be cancelled, and I planned to take advantage of their free rebooking policy if that occurred. I work remotely, plan to bring my work with me, and really can go anytime.

    Well, their policy only allows for free rebookings within a 30-day window of the last booking. Otherwise, you have to pay the difference in fare. I would like to rebook for a date further in the future when the borders are likely to be open again, but the difference in fare would cost more than my original ticket. Many people would just cough up the difference in fare, but I am stubborn and stingy. I’ll rebook as many times as it takes to have my original fare honored, damnit!

    So over the last several months, each time my flight has been cancelled, I have called customer support and rebooked for another 30 days out. No doubt Air Canada is perturbed by my persistence at this point. My latest flight was for mid-September, and I was patiently awaiting another flight cancellation notice so that I could rebook again. But alas, the cancellation email never came, and the flight date passed without my awareness. I had rebooked so many times that I forgot I was technically supposed to fly in mid-September. Should have marked my calendar, yes, but I figured the cancellation email would be my cue to call them again.

    So when I reached customer service yesterday, they were trying to get me to pay the difference in fare and rebook for a later date. “So you didn’t show up at the airport on the flight date,” the representative asked? “No. Why would I show up at the airport for a cancelled flight?” “But you were a no-show for the flight,” she responded. “How could I be a no-show for a flight that never took off,” I asked? “You guys cancelled my flight and didn’t even notify me.”

    So she begrudgingly rebooked me for mid-October and told me that I need to show up at the airport for my next “flight,” or I’ll have to pay the difference in fare. This was never a provision before, so I don’t understand why they’re suddenly stipulating it. I’m curious to see whether I’ll get a cancellation email this time around. If I don’t, I’ll call the day before my flight and ask to rebook.

    Let the games continue, Air Canada. I’ll call as many times as it takes! 😛

    TL;DR — I booked a cheap flight to Tokyo and have taken advantage of Air Canada’s “free rebooking within a 30-day period of last flight” policy by rebooking over and over again. They failed to notify me of my latest flight cancellation and tried to force me to rebook for later and pay the difference in fare, but they eventually relented and rebooked me for free again.

  10. Well, everyone, it’s been fun. We’re about to officially pull the plug on our November 4th trip. Everything’s refundable, so we’re all good there, it’s just a bummer. That being said, we’re going to do a week in NYC to replace it, which will be great. Best of luck to everyone still holding out!!

  11. The current vaccination rate is giving me hope that they will fully open up early 2022. By the end of this month they should reach 80% of people who got the first dose, if not more, and 70% with two doses. However, despite it being Japan, even they won’t manage to vaccinate 100% of their population. The question is how many people need to be vaccinated for the government to deem it safe for international travel to resume, without spending an X amount of days in quarantine. Time to wait and see! My trip would be from mid March until early April. Fingers crossed that it works out for everyone 🙂

  12. Rebooked for Early-Feb.

    Used miles so I can move…I anticipate Feb being the optimistic earliest and April-May being realistic.

    But what do I know, I’m just typing this so I feel better 🙂

  13. Does anyone else get frustrated when Japanese media talks about a “drop in international travel demand,” but fails to mention how the government’s own policy has caused the lack of demand? Or how they vaguely blame “the pandemic” for all the issues surrounding travel and tourism, as if there were no other choice in the face of a virus than to close your borders to all foreigners for two years?

  14. Singapore just announced vaccinated travel lanes to Korea, let’s hope for the best for Japan next! pressure on them if they remained closed.

  15. So we have Singapore (new plans announced today) Australia, Thailand and Indonesia all announcing their confirmed plans to welcome fully vaccinated travelers this year.

    Obviously not Japan BUTTTT maybe some good old pacific ocean pier pressure gets the gears moving a bit 🙃

  16. Just found this subreddit. I saw that Japan is trying to get to peak vaccination percentage by November, I hope this will help open borders for vaccinated people summer than later.

  17. My cheapo non-refundable flight to Japan in mid-December just got cancelled. Waiting for American to call me back and find out my options.

    Edit: They were willing to refund or accommodate moving flights around a few days. Right now JAL cancelled their entire flight schedule and told American they will not have an update until 10/31.

  18. >[**From Kyodo News – Japan PM Kishida to outline COVID-19 response Fri.**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/10/c6f6d2449f2f-urgent-japan-pm-kishida-to-outline-covid-19-response-fri.html)

    Just wanted to note this article specifically – the information coming out may not yet give specifics on entry for tourism, but having some information of where they plan to go with covid-19 long term in Japan will be beneficial, no matter what. As this is expected to address the economic situation, we would be looking for information on re-opening tourism to locals as soon as possible as this was already noted to be one of the indicators for re-opening in previous discussions with the past PM and Cabinet. Hopefully, we’ll see some indication of this on Friday.

  19. [**From NHK News – Kishida announces antivirus framework.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20211015_16/)

    So, while there wasn’t much information on what they DO plan to do, there was some, and it still has a bit of value here. Let’s go over what the article talks about. Paraphrased below:

    >- The basic idea is to step up prevention of infection by fully utilizing vaccines, testing and drugs for treatment, and to ensure treatment is provided in the early stages of infection. (The measures should brace for the worst-case scenario happening in Japan, for instance a more virulent strain showing up and infections rising again.)

    >- The government will compile plans by coordinating with local governments to secure enough hospital beds to deal with an outbreak double the size of the one experienced this summer. (This is important because the medical system struggled desperately during the summer wave, further waves and possible new strains need to be protected against so healthcare can continue to function.)

    >- In case an outbreak expands further, the government will ask people to follow tighter restrictions. When that happens, the government will limit usual medical services and use hospital beds to treat COVID-19 patients as an emergency measure.

    >- The government will also take extra steps to help those who are forced to recuperate at home or other places when hospitals are fully occupied.

    >- The government will seek approval of oral drugs for patients with mild symptoms by the end of this year. The drug is now under clinical testing. (It’s noted elsewhere this drug will be produced in Japan to cut down on delays in shipping and production.)

    >- The government will decide on specific measures to ease restrictions by using a system identifying people who have been inoculated or tested negative, as well as digital vaccine passports. (Locally, vaccine documents are already being issued for those who need to travel out of Japan, and a digital passport should be in place by the end of the year for local travel and local tourism – this is part and parcel with re-opening the borders to International tourism which now sounds likely to happen in 2022 but it is yet to be determined how early in 2022 this will occur.)

    >- Finally, the government will coordinate views with local governments later this month and come up with the entire set of measures early next month. (This is probably when we will hear firmer details on things like the re-start of local tourism, and possibly a nod to International tourism in 2022.)

    So, not a ton of new information, and definitely a “skeleton” framework for the LDP Covid response, but it looks more likely that we will hear the indication for re-opening *FOR* 2022 *in* 2021, and it’s not likely that International Tourism will re-start in 2021. Possible spread of the virus in the winter may play a factor, as the concern is keeping the “worst case scenario” at bay for as long as possible – that will include having enough hospital beds, increasing testing, vaccination and treatment of known cases, and having drugs manufactured in Japan to allow for quick administration of medication to those who are ill either at home or in the hospital. If there is a large 6th wave while they are putting these plans in place, it will set back the ability to get the framework up and supporting the areas it needs to for re-opening.

    The one thing we’re all looking forward to again is travel. And while it seems relatively simple to us (“Increase Vaccinations! Open The Borders! What is wrong with you??”), it’s not going to be as simple for the LDP to just Do These Things – they have many other facets to look at and account for as you can see.

    In my humble opinion as a tourist – A January opening would only be possible if cases had dropped to 500 a day in early September, they’d be almost at rock bottom by now, especially with vaccinations increasing as they are. A March opening would be the earliest with everything going as it is right now, April is more likely if they want to open within 6 months, but May is probably the ideal/most likely opening for Japan – post-Golden Week, so the largest crowds will be gone back to work and school, and they can begin letting in tourists from countries that have reached upper limits of vaccination. I think they will do this when testing will not be required, or only one test on departure will be necessary for entry, along with proof of vaccination. At the very least – they will leave International Tourism to a time when quarantine will no longer be required for entry, and that’s not for another 6 months at minimum if things stay as they are.

  20. Booked flights for May 12th, 2022 (landing in Japan on May 13th).

    I expect Japan to be open by then. But just in case I booked the tickets with the ability to change date for free, and 100% refundable as a travel voucher (75% refundable in cash)

    Fingers crossed.

  21. This should be taken with a grain of salt, but that might be some crazy news there :

    Global reopening within mid-January 2022, only green countries allowed first (including Europe), mandatory vaccine + negative PCR test + potential 3 day quarantine. Source :


    Kanpai is a fairly known french media about Japan. They claim to have gotten the details via a « confidential source » working there.

    I don’t remember them spreading fake news for clout, but keep in mind this isn’t some official statement.

  22. I’m starting to feel a little hope and optimism about Japan opening its borders in time for my March 1st flight but pessimism towards them letting anyone from the UK in. We had 50x as many new cases the other day and 12x the deaths.

    If anyone’s going to be on a Red List for a while it’s us and I wouldn’t blame them 🙁

  23. NOT JAPAN : Seems Thailand / Bangkok’s official policy has been set for welcoming vaccinated travelers.

    All tourists much have insurance that covers potential hospitalization for Covid 19 + a one night stay at a government approved hotel (AQR). Tourists are transported directly to the hotel via dedicated tourist vans, have to PCR test at the hotel and can not leave their room until results arrive back to the hotel (more or less a one night stay). This special stay / rate is MUCH more expensive than a regular stay.

    Once a negative result is received, the tourist is permitted to leave.

    Again not Japan! Thailand’s economy is much more heavily dependent on tourism dollars BUT seems like a half decent procedure.

  24. Japan opens up in mid-Jan. Mark my words.

    From The Mainichi – Over 70% fully vaccinated in Japan, among top 3 in G-7 The inoculation rate is now almost on par with Italy, which is second only to Canada, where 72.65 percent of the total population had been vaccinated as of Oct. 16. (Mod Note – Welcome to the Top 3, Japan.)

  25. American Airlines cancelled my late February through early March flight the other day, but I called and they managed to rebook me for the same days on a nonstop flight through Japan Airlines instead. This was one of the $200 round trip fares that Scott’s Cheap Flights sent out back in April and it originally had a layover in LA, so I kind of got an upgrade, actually. Here’s hoping Japan will be open by then and I’ll actually be able to go.

  26. As an American, I’ve started to look at Singapore instead of Japan, they have opened to US tourists without quarantine. I’m just thirsty to travel somewhere. Korea just announced they are hoping to end restrictions by February 2022. I won’t be surprised if Japan lands somewhere around there as well.

  27. I’ve been anticipating the election tomorrow, fingers crossed that soon I won’t be checking this thread daily!!

  28. As naive as it would be for me to expect news immediately after the election, I’ve refreshed this post like 10 times today

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