Respond in a number how long your commute to school is + means of transportation

Respond in a number how long your commute to school is + means of transportation

  1. When I was on JET I use to do a 30minute cycle along the river. Great pre-gym warmup after work. Also mornings along the river did me so good for peace of mind/ mental health.
    Saved a bunch of money too. A lot of BOEs forbid cycling for some stupid reason sa mine did but you just dont go around advertising it and you are fine. Also bring a change of clothes as you dont wanna be that swetty stinking alt.

  2. School 1: 5-10 min drive (traffic dependent)

    School 2: 15-20 min drive.

    School 3: 35-45 mins on the highway (with a few hundred ¥¥ toll); or 45-1hr on the toll-free roads

    School 4: 45 mins on toll-free roads, never any traffic variations because it was pretty remote.

    All times are one-way, and I visited each school at least once a week. I drove a lot.

  3. Pretty spoiled here.

    M/T/F is a 5 min drive so sometimes I literally roll out of bed & i’m at school 1.

    W/Th is a beautiful 10min drive through the tanbo.

  4. School 1: 15-20 minute bus ride.
    School 2: 20-25 minute bus ride.

    Plus a 5 minute walk to the bus stop (incl. a very mean flight of stairs). We’re literally forbidden by our BoE to drive or ride a bicycle to work. Had to continually use the bus every day during the entire pandemic.

    (edits: the walking & driving parts)

  5. School 1 and School 2: 30 steps (I live in school housing).
    School 3: 15 minute taxi ride.
    School 4: 15 minute walk and train.

  6. 40 min walk or 35 min train (walk to the station is 15 mins, walk from the station to school is 5 mins)

  7. 1) 15 minute bus ride, or a 20 min walk and train
    2) 20 minute bus ride
    3) 10 min bike ride

  8. Elementary – 40 minute walk or 10 minute bus

    Junior High – 10 minute walk, then 10 minute bus, then another 10 minute walk.

    Id prefer to ride my bike to both but BOE don’t allow it unless it’s close enough to where you live.

  9. Local school – 2 minute drive/5-10 minute walk

    Visit schools 5-10 minute walk to BOE then I get driven the 30 minute commute (no buses and my contract says I can’t drive to those schools because of liability things).

  10. 30 min – 2 hour bus ride depending on the weather. Then a 15 minute walk after the bus.

  11. 5 min walk to base school. (30 min in surprise snow)

    5 min or less bike ride to community center to teach night classes. (5 min by car if surprise snow)

  12. Have to drive to multiple schools. Shortest drive is 10 minutes. Longest drive is 45 minutes.

  13. 60 minutes total. 15 min walk, 30 min train ride, 15 min walk. I live and work in Tokyo.

  14. My predecessor let me know my main school is 15 by car and the other 45 min by car. Lucky I am inheriting the car.

  15. **Base school:** 22 minute drive

    Walking/Bus 55 minutes to 1 hour

    **Visit school:** 20 minute drive

    Walking/train 50-55 minute

  16. Current position:

    15 min drive to BOE

    5 min drive to JHS (or 30 minute walk)

    4 min drive to ES1 (or 20 minute walk)

    10 min drive to ES2


    Previous position:

    10 min walk to base school

    45 min drive to visit school 1

    1 hr drive to visit school 2

    15 min drive to special needs school

  17. BOE, ES and JHS – 10 minute drive

    Kindergarten 1 – 5 minute drive

    Kindergarten 2 10 minute drive

    Kindergarten3 – 20 minute drive

  18. SHS -20 min walk -20 min train ride then another 10 min walk (altogether about 50mins)

  19. Base school: 10 min walk (me walking fast bc I am always running late)

    Visit school 1: 2 trains and a bus- about 1-1.5 hours

    Visit school 2: 2 trains and walking- about 45 min- 1hr

  20. My shortest commute school is 7 minutes by bike, my longest is an hour and 15 minutes by either: bike and train or bus and train. The traffic is so bad in the morning that the bus and bike take about the same amount of time.

  21. 8 different schools
    20-45 minutes with various means: bus, bus/train, bus/walking, bike

  22. School A (Base): 6-minute bike ride…*or a 22-minute walk.*

    School B and C (Visit Schools): 10-12 minute bike ride..*.or a 30-minute walk*.

    Mamachari always!.

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