Modifying a car and Shaken repercussions

Hello everyone.

I’ve been researching modifying cars here in Japan and I read several articles about it. As per my understanding people go about it in 3 approaches to pass or have a valid Shaken:

* Approach 1: Keeping the modifications within the safety standards which will only require a description change on the Shaken certificate.
* Approach 2: Go with a bit more “extreme” modifications and apply for a structural change certificate and hope it get accepted.
* Approach 3: Do the modification and revert the car to its stock state before going to the take the inspection. (maybe illegal)

As per your knowledge and experiences what are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. I would like to hear your opinions and experience with this.



  1. I always wondered about that seeing the “creations” I see in the streets here… I hope that someone will know or there has to be facebook groups ?

  2. As someone with a highly modified motorcycle I can tell you the disadvantage of it is it’s a real PITA to have to pull all those parts off and store/replace them every 2 years. I can only guess what a car will be like. Putting up with a week or so of the bike running like a stock bike is also no fun.

    And of course there’s also a bit of butt clenching every time I get a ticket that they’re going to actually write me up for the modifications.

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