Waseda International Relations Grad Program

I’m currently at language school right now and considering applying to the International Relations graduate program at Waseda for next year. If anybody on here has went through this program, I would love to hear about your experience or any insight you have to offer. Did you find that it helped you find employment afterwards? Was it worth it? Any advice you would give to yourself before starting this program? Thanks in advance!

  1. I don’t know how applicable or what specific skillset you get from an international relations degree, but Waseda is highly ranked so you have that going. If your Japanese is close to native level and you are 25 or 26 upon graduation, you could probably find a job as a regular liberal arts 文系 major via the shinsotsu route.

  2. Dude, if you’re not having “international relations” while in language school Waseda isn’t going to help you.

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