How can I get my foot in the door in IT?

I moved here September 2021 to be with my wife and graduated university with a bachelors degree in computer science December 2021. I only know basic Japanese and since then I’ve only taught English to children. I don’t know how to get my foot in the door with no professional experience. I’ve tried Japan dev and Tokyo dev but I haven’t had any luck as most of them are looking for at least mid career candidates. I would literally do any IT job, I don’t care if it’s software engineering or not even if it was my focus in university. I’m just so tired of teaching already.

  1. What’s your coding level? Any course completion certificates, portfolios, leetcode solutions and Japanese skill?

    If you want to start from the very bottom of the rung, there are some IT haken jobs. If you get good enough at that, it may give you the necessary experience to move upwards.

  2. Join a haken shop like Skillhouse for a year (they’ll hire anyone) to get literally anything relevant on your resume, then grind some interview prep and hop to a proper company. You’ve already cleared the biggest hurdle by having a CS degree. If you’re a software dev then Japanese skills have little bearing on your earning potential.

  3. I’m not in IT anymore but my first IT job was helpdesk and from there into desktop support and then infrastructure. Might not be what you’re expecting but it is an easy way to get into IT and at least gets you some valuable experience for the time when you apply for that dev job that you want.

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