Dependent Visa Trouble

Hi everyone, I’m having a hard time getting a dependent Visa and would love some advice/help. My wife and I are moving to Japan. My wife is going to be an English teacher and I am going as her dependent.

Due to some circumstances back at home, we decided it would be better for me to fly to Japan 10 days after she would. We booked a flight and didn’t think much of it, we had been told actually that most dependants from this program prefer to do it this way and it was usually easier. When the embassy found this out (when applying for visas), they said that me leaving later than her would be a problem.

They said we would have to get a certificate of eligibility from her contracting organization before they move forward with any visa for me since I was leaving later. And because of that, it may take up to three months from when she arrives in Japan for me to be able to get my visa.

We found that there may be an option to try to get me added onto her flight which would clear all this confusion, but again, due to some circumstances at home, it is important for me to leave after. Any suggestions? Any advice? It sounds strange to me that leaving 10 days later than my wife would cause my visa to not be accepted until maybe months later, but I also don’t know the usual routine. I also haven’t heard of any of people having this same problem, at least not that I’ve noticed. Thanks in advance!

  1. >We found that there may be an option to try to get me added onto her flight which would clear all this confusion

    This would not solve your problem at all.

    The issue is not your flights, it’s your certificate of eligibility. You need one for a dependent visa. There are two ways to get one:

    1. Your wife’s company applies for one ***at the same time they apply for hers***. If they have already applied for hers, well… It’s too late. Plus she’s going to be an English teacher, and most English-teaching companies won’t do this.
    2. Your wife applies for one *after she arrives in Japan.* That’s where the “3 months” part comes in.

    Those are the only two options available to you.

    **EDIT:** Looking at your post history it appears your wife is coming over with JET. Which means that the part above about “most English-teaching companies” isn’t entirely valid. JET is pretty much the one organization that *will* do it. But, again: They have to do it at the same time they send in her application. There’s no other way to do it.

  2. I came to Japan on a dependent visa a month after my wife. No one said anything. I also didn’t tell the embassy we would be on different flights as the change in travel plans didn’t happen until well after our visas were issued.

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