Big Three Inari Shrines

I’ve been to Fushimi Inari years ago and loved it, just found out there’s a “Big 3” of Inari shrines (through Nioh 2 of all places) and I’m just curious of the differences and similarities of the other two. And if they’re as grand of scope or possibly ever more recommended than Fushimi.

Toyokawa for example neither has a wiki nor a Japan Guide page for it. So is it just not all that special? Or moreso a hidden gem type of thing?

1 comment
  1. Yutoku Inari is absolutely stunning and it’s one of the probably most picturesque shrines in Japan and has an absolutely lovely garden. It unfortunately requires (now) a dedicated trip, possibly combined with a visit to Yoshinogari Koen.

    Toyokawa Inari is actually a Buddhist temple and not a shinto shrine and the cemetery looks fairly unique, but there are many better examples of 15th/16th century temples in Japan and it’s actually fairly difficult to combine with anything else. Maybe Nagashino castle, if someone is completing their 100 castles of Japan trips (or early cherry blossoms for someone staying in Kansai and Chubu only).

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