Should the company pay for a contracted employee’s Covid test?

Hi Guys,

I work at one of those Eikaiwas that function on a contract basis where my boss set the hours just below the threshold of another contract type. (I think the legal limit was 29.5 hours)

I have had some covid symptoms and they have rightfully demanded me to go and get tested. This is not the first time and before I’ve paid for it out of my own pocket.

But after having spoken to some other people, they mention that they employer should pay for them. I’m just not sure if this is applicable to my case as it is contract based.

Thank you for your time.

edit: I better just ask them.. I haven’t yet as they have a history of taking advantage of me when I didn’t know the correct procedures.

  1. If it’s company policy that you -must- have a negative test before you’re allowed to return to work, the company should pay or reimburse. My company does.

  2. If you’re an employee (including 契約社員), and they require a negative test result as a condition of returning to work, yes they should pay for it.

    However if you’re an independent contractor you don’t have the same legal protection and rights as an employee.

  3. There are free tests available almost everywhere, why not do that and avoid the hassle at work?

  4. A question for someone who doesn’t know employment contract law in Japan that well: if negative COVID testing is not mentioned in OP’s contract at all, can the company really do anything if OP refuses to test on his own dime? Unless the contract is exceptionally lopsided, it seems tantamount to arbitrary dismissal.

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