I’m getting spam invited to suspicious line groups. Anybody else?

Everyday I get invited to a [line group](https://imgur.com/a/quqTsmx) which is usually named ‘Hi #’ with about 50 other people. Most people just leave immediately and there aren’t any messages. The inviting account is either called ‘NONAME’ or just random jumble of characters.

The first ever group I was invited to had somebody offering their services for investment advice. Obviously a scam so I wrote “SCAM” and left the group.

Now I’m been spammed. I can’t block them because every group is made by a different account.

Any idea why this could be happening or how to stop it?

  1. So far there is no setting option to auto decline group invite, so either blocking the person inviting you or hide your account in the search option.

  2. I fear your first mistake may have been to join that first group. Now they know you respond and maybe that’s made you a priority target. I don’t use Line enough to be interesting to them but spammers looking to rope you in with a friendly hi is par for the course on WhatsApp as well. Don’t respond, don’t accept, just report and block immediately.

  3. I’m getting this a lot recently too, I just leave the group as soon as possible.

    I don’t get it every day but every so often.

  4. Yep I have also been getting a lot in the past week, although the chats aren’t called “hi” in my case. Hope Line cracks down on these

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