Shota really be looking like a young Tanahashi in this shot… the present and future of NJPW is strong

Shota really be looking like a young Tanahashi in this shot… the present and future of NJPW is strong

  1. He’s got the look but that’s about it. I’ve seen nothing of him in-ring to make me think he’s going to be a top guy. Tsuji and Narita have way more to them already IMO.

  2. tge most impressive thing aboutt Tanahashi is that he manages to strike the exact same pose in every image, like hes got it down at the atomic level

  3. Shota was now built as a young Tanahashi and had a kind of stance that also reminded of him. If they play their cards right they will have a real star on their hands with Shota, but there is still a way to go before that.

    But, he did a great work during Royal Quest 2!

  4. It’s difficult articulating why I hate this. Ripping off Tana feels like a crutch which’ll stifle his long term development. I also think it’ll lead to forced booking and turn fans against him.

  5. I feel like this has always been the narrative around him. He kinda looks like Tana aesthetically even as a young lion.

  6. Dude is pretty good, but I really hope they don’t stick him with the “next Tana” gimmick/style.

    It never works.

  7. I’m really hoping that when he returns he doesn’t end up as Tanahashi 2.0; that was the kind of booking that screwed Naito over.

    What I’d hope for from Umino is (assuming he does end up being their next big star) that he lean into the “Death Shooter” elements he adopted from Mox and be more of a merciless hard-hitter along the lines of Kawada, Suzuki or Takayama. A lot of times we see Aces that come off as charismatic or cool, but despite being meant to be the best in their company, no one has ever *dreaded* facing Tanahashi or Okada like they dread Suzuki (or to use a non-wrestling example, Tyson in his prime). I want Shota to be a vicious Ace that makes all but the top heels think twice before challenging.

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