Didn’t wipe the marinade well enough I guess… never baking at 375 again! 🤣

Didn’t wipe the marinade well enough I guess… never baking at 375 again! 🤣

  1. Looks less to me that you “didn’t wipe the marinade enough” and more like you “didn’t pull it when it was ready”. I mean, that doesn’t look like surface char, it looks like you overcooked it and burned it.

  2. Other than the edges, it looks perfect to me. I would be disappointed if the rest of it didn’t look like that, so I’m going with the 95% that’s cooked perfectly!

  3. Idk I’m weird and like a little burn on my meat and fish. The whole meal looks beautiful and I’d pay for that

  4. This is exactly how I and 99% of the rest of Hawaii makes/eats misoyaki. Some burnt bits = good. Looks perfect to me.

  5. 375F is too low and the fish gets dried out. The best way to cook that fish is to broil it, which sears the outside and edges, but keeps the part below the glaze juicy. It’s also important to remove, or even wash off some of the miso glaze so fish doesn’t scorch, and it’s less salty. I always wash off the miso as the flavor has already penetrated the meat.

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