Kansai Language Interview Notes and Izakaya Conversation Transcripts

Hi guys! I wanted to share some free resources for two Japanese conversations: an [interview with an elderly Kansai woman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-WQjeCSMkI), and a [daily conversation at an Izakaya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1h1LTs56nE) (linked to YouTube videos)!

For the interview with the Kansai woman, here’s the [downloadable transcript](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZKsUmLbRdI8XD_pQlCgarHVOf5ELS4SrxzQ9dX_EEOA/edit?usp=sharing) (with furigana)! I also wanted to provide some extra notes that might help your studies (romaji in spoilers):

* **おります:** おる is the Kansai version of いる, and it means “to be (or exist)”. Examples:

* 今日は家におる (>!kyou wa ie ni oru!<)。I’ll be staying at home today.
* おに君が昨日居酒屋におった (>!Oni-kun ga kinou izakaya ni otta!<)。Oni was at the Izakaya yesterday.
* *おる, just like いる, should be used for living things! It could not be used to replace ある (which is used for inanimate things)!*
* **ホンマ:** ホンマ is the Kansai version of ホント. You can use it to mean “really”. Example:

* 関西はホンマに最高 (>!Kansai wa honma ni saikou!<)。Kansai is really the best.
* **へん:** へん is a Kansai particle that makes the sentence negative form. In standard Japanese, you would say ない instead! Examples:

* ハン君は納豆が食べられへん (>!Han-kun wa nattou ga taberare hen!<)。Han-kun cannot eat Natto.
* ビールを飲まへん (>!bi-ru wo noma hen!<)。I don’t drink beer.
* **そうやな:** You can use it to agree with what people say, and in standard Japanese, it’d be そうだね. To sound even more Kansai, you can also say ”せやな”. Example:

* 日本酒は好き? (>!Nihonshyu wa suki?!<). Do you like Sake?
* そうやな、めっちゃ好き (>!souyana, meccha suki!<)! Right/yea, I really love it!

This woman speaks with a fairly strong accent, and she’s also 82 years old, so don’t worry if you struggle a bit with it! The video I linked to starts at full speed with no captions, then has a section at 80% speed with no captions, and ends with full speed *with* captions. Try it out and see how you do! (*Also sorry to use romaji for the notes, I already had it typed and didn’t feel like typing out the furigana!*)

For the Izakaya video, I thought I’d just share another free [downloadable transcript](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zNeTG00wZphj8yg6Wlf3lJFaZwtF-XSsMcJtkT1epDY/edit?usp=sharing). For either script, if you’re struggling with something or have any questions, please feel free to ask (it might be a little bit before I can get back to you)!

Some other videos of ours you might like: [Learning games](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiwjBnvc62sNTNDHrp8uqFZset2B_nzb1), [Listening Videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiwjBnvc62sOHIyp22Iya4BW0Y1-9Bymq), [Situational Japanese](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiwjBnvc62sPwlxeIEewkG22vl4HsbbCD)

If you liked these videos and resources, please consider subscribing on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/RiceBurgerStudios) 🙂 My best friend and I make these animated videos together as Japanese learning resources – we’re also on Insta/TikTok if that’s more your thing (@riceburgerstudios). *Note: I received moderator permission before self promoting*

1 comment
  1. Hey!! I follow you guys on IG. Love your videos so much! I almost quit learning Japanese at one point, but your videos really reminded me that it’s important to have fun when you learn. Cheers!

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