Anybody else got an arrival date for Interac? I finally got a September arrival date!

Interac Kanto South has just confirmed my arrival month for 2022. I will be arriving in September! Has anybody else got a confirmed date?

  1. LOL

    They lost half their contracts and don’t have enough positions for the people already here. If they do manage to bring you in expect them to give you a contract offering minimum wage with deductions for rent and whatever else they come up with.

  2. Nah, was one that got the “differed to Spring 2023” email. I interviewed with them in December of 2020, and got placed in Interac West.

    If you don’t mind me asking, when did you interview?

  3. I’m out middle of next month after over a year and a half waiting. ☺️👍

    I’m Interac North.

  4. kanto south as well, it sounds like we interviewed the same time. i was deferred, but congrats!

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