Interac spring 2022 arrivals backlogged to 2023.

Interac spring 2022 arrivals backlogged to 2023.

  1. Feeling bummed, was supposed to leave for the peace corps in may of 2020 after graduating. Once that kept getting pushed back I looked for similar alternatives. Was supposed to leave for Japan this month, but life apparently has other plans.

    I know ALTing isn’t a career, I only planned on doing it for a year or two (going for direct hire after a year after reading all of your advice), but I was still looking forward to the experience. See y’all next year? 😂

  2. Interac recently lost a bunch of contracts in the Kanto area. I bet that has something to do with them pushing overseas hires back even further.

  3. Got exactly the same email but Kanto South. Gonna have been 3 years by that time. I’ve confirmed to wait for now, but I’m also looking for other things to do and if any of those come through before Interac, I’ll just do that instead. Waited long enough now, who’s to say in another year they won’t have lost more contracts, or another variant will shut everything down again

  4. Got the exact same email. Accepted this job in 2020 and now they want me to start in 2023? 🥲 Think the teaching in Japan dream might just be rip

  5. Here’s to HOPING that they actually have spots in 2023, no covid variant, no WW3, no sky high plane tickets because of the post covid travel rush.

    I might as well improve my Japanese skills. The US living conditions are already deteriorating (as in health care and housing). Might as well have skills for post-Interac life.

  6. Quitting. I have other opportunities to pursue. Gonna suck not having related work for my graduate school applications.

    LJC and Interac seem to be wasting our time, I recommend finding other options if you are waiting til next year.

  7. Just got the same email. I told them to keep me on, but I’m going to be looking for alternatives in the meantime. Does anyone else have any alternative ideas for teaching in Japan?

  8. I know the feeling. I had an offer, direct hire with a different company, started my COE paperwork and everything shut down. Now I have to start from scratch because that company canceled offer summer 2020. Keep your chin up, hopefully enough drop off the wait list for you to leave sooner.

  9. Yep, got the same exact email. However, whilst many have non-driving positions, my contract is supposedly a “driving required” position. If they don’t have any driving positions either, then 2023 may be as unpredictable as 22′. 🙁

  10. I just hope you guys were all smart enough not to quit your regular jobs and put your lives on hold waiting to come to Japan.

    Hey, this gives you enough time to get TESOL qualifications! Gambatte! 🙂

  11. Okay, so the majority of you know that another company got the Interac positions, yes…?

    Have you applied with that company?

    And… before I hear… “but it’s a shit company”… I mean, you applied for Interac…

  12. Have you asked if there are positions available in other branches? Interac west wet advertising.

    Consider applying to other ALT dispatch companies. With everyone outbidding Interac those companies need people. Other companies include;

    Altia – They require some Japanese but seem to be the company most people are happy working for.
    OWLS – I know nothing beyond their existence but worth a shot.
    Westgate – It you are overqualified and want to teach at university.

    I’m sure there are many more but that’s what’s active where I am. If you are just coming for a few years Aeon/ECC may be worth looking into. It’s after school English stuff so very much evening and weekends so depends on your priorities.

  13. Interac cares about Interac. They don’t care about the people they’ve promised to overseas grads whatsoever. ALTs are to be used and disposed of, nothing more

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