Never say ここ at Starbucks

Yours truly was a dumbass today and ordered a Soy latte, venti, for here, but instead I got a hot chocolate with soy milk. I’ve ordered at least 3 of these at this starbucks and never had this issue, and I was complacent when they read my order back to me. From now on, I will be saying 店内で and only 店内で

Any similar experiences, or tips on how to communicate clearly?

  1. Most service industry staff run on a kind of automatic/script mode when processing what you’re saying. When you order always either put 店内 or お持ち帰り first or wait for them to ask. It’s easier to understand when they’re processing so much information. Same way as if you ask for a bag at a convenience store they suddenly get confused and you have to repeat it. It doesn’t fit their script.

  2. Don’t say ここ when ordering at any restaurant. Unless they ask your name and you’re a sign-languaging gorilla.

  3. I’ve never had a problem. Maybe it was strange context? Usually it’s like.


  4. I went to a Mr. Donut once and ordered coffee and the cashier corrected my pronunciation to コーヒー even though the sign had coffee printed in English.

  5. I’m another country:

    I used to order “a cup of tea” and had a 50% chance of getting a cappuccino.

    Now I drink coffee 🥳

  6. Order on the app next time, until you get the ol’ *”point your finger down while saying koko-de”* gesture down pat.

  7. Hmm.. most of times I said ここ when they asked me mochikaeri or tennai..
    You should understand what they asked first.

  8. It’s probably a pitch tone error in your Japanese pronunciation. ここ gets the pitch tone on the second syllable. ココア on the first.

  9. If you ordered a soy latte, why would they give you a different drink even if your ここ sounded like ココア? That sounds so weird.

    I can’t imagine the thought process behind that.




    “Ah, so he wants a hot choco instead, not a soy latte, even though he already said he wanted a latte and responded with a drink order to my question about takeout or eat-in.”


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