What are these hook-type brackets on my doors?


Top-floor apartment that gets a lot of wind, which sometimes slams the doors shut. I’m thinking these brackets have something to do with keeping the doors open in those cases, but the walls they open up against have nothing to attach to.

If I’m on the right track, is there a product I’m meant to buy to stick on the runner board so I can hook to these brackets and keep the doors open?

  1. That is exactly right. Usually there is a thing attached to the floor to hook it with.

  2. I’ve had a few apartments with these, and there are always additional attachments on the wall. Maybe they renovated and removed them from your apartment. You may want to ask the landlord before installing new ones.

  3. Yep, you’re exactly right: they’re meant to latch onto a hook on the wall that stops doors slamming shut in a gust of wind, but seems the hooks were removed for some reason.

    Maybe you can buy some command strips from a home/DIY store? They can be pretty solid and should make a decent substitute hook.

  4. Someone remodeled and forgot about/didn’t want the door stopper with the clips.

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