Girlfriend lives in girls-only residence?

Considering moving to japan for a few months to see how it is. Girlfriend is heading back to japan so I might move with her.
She told me that where she stays is girls only. She said I could stay with her but also mentioned that she could get in trouble if they find out I’m at her place, since I’m a male.
How steep are the consequences?
Is this type of residence typical in Japan?

  1. Women only apartment buildings are fairly common and it’s most likely a violation of her lease to have anyone stay with her, much less a man. Don’t do it

  2. By ‘stay with her’, do you mean live there full time? Tbh though either way is a bad idea. Would be easier for her to stay with you.

  3. In the same situation. I cant even go to help move their stuff (moving together). You’ll risk her getting kicked out, probably with fees. I don’t recommend it.

  4. I deliver for Uber and when I go to a women-only residence I have to call my customer and have her come downstairs to pick up her food. They can’t even have people in to deliver stuff.

  5. It is possible her lease stipulates no visitors or overnight lodging. Violating the rule can cause her rental contract to be terminated. All women apartments aren’t uncommon in Japan.

  6. I lived in a girls-only apartment for a year because it was quite cheap and the commuter to my work was great. Male friends could not visit nor spend the night. There were a few evictions because the other lady tenants understandably reported when guys were found in the place.
    In short: people living there usually have their reasons for not wanting to be sharing their living space with a male, so please don’t be an a-hole and put them in a difficult situation. Also, don’t get your gf evicted.

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