ひまです。Let’s talk with me. I’m so bored.






Hi, I’m Shiori. Japanese.

I’m sooo bored to death so I’ll answer questions. I may tell a lie when I’m asked too private question.

But I answer sincerely about Japanese.

Only today (it is almost 2pm in Japan). Eng/Jpn both are fine.

  1. I’m super new to Japanese, and my understanding was that katakana is only used for foreign words, so why is it that you wrote your name with katakana and not hirigana?
    Edit: spelling

  2. シオリさん、こんにちは。


    私の質問はJapan borders reopening to travelersについてどう思いますか?私が日本にいた時ずっと観光客はいなかったから良かったと思っていたんですけど。確かに観光客はいたら色々の日本のビジネスにいいかもしれません。


    (Can you please pick 1 part of my Japanese to correct? 🙃🙏)

  3. シオリ、こんにちは!今のところ日本語使い機会はないけどいつも聞きたいことがあります。英語勉強してる時に一番効果的な方法は何ですか?


  4. I have a friend in Japan with a daughter about to graduate high school. What is a good gift from an an American for a high school graduate? Also I send a gift every Christmas. Do you know what makeup products are highly sought by Japanese women, from the usa or that is not sold there? Last time I got my friend Jason Wu cosmetics and she was excited, because it was not yet sold in Japan. Best guess?

  5. こんにちは、シオリさん!個人的に秋の色の服装が似合うし、心地よいから一番好きなんです。だから、この季節になると全部の服買いたいです😭日本で何のブランドが人気ありますか?服が全部ユニクロとしたら喜びますが、日本でユニコロが普通すぎて地味って言われました笑

  6. Lucky you! So many commitments and unfinished stuff always. Main job, side business, bills & paperwork, appointments, housework… What’s your secret?
    I wish I had the time to be 暇

  7. 個人的におすすめな国内観光地はありますか?


    can you share a trivia fact about the japanese language or kanji?

  8. Iam from czechia and this week we have little Akimatsuri in Prague. We’ll go there with my friend and finnaly will be able to taste Yakitori and some other japanese food i always wanted to try.

  9. Do you like 納豆 or does it make you violently sick? i’m visiting japan next year and need some opinions on it

  10. How many languages do Japanese people learn in school? Where I live, if you want to go to university, it’s required that you learned 2 foreign languages (English and another one that you can choose from a list of languages the school offers).

    Do Japanese schools offer class trips to other countries? I’ve visited 3 different countries during class trips.

    For the answer, both Eng/Jpn are fine, as I’m currently better at reading Japanese than forming complex sentences myself. ^^

  11. こんにちは、シオリさん。日本語の文章を書くことのはまだ難しいですが、日本に行きたいです。多くのTouristsがない所のおすすめはありますか?

  12. こんばんわに。


  13. I speak English, but am currently trying to learn Japanese. Do you have any tips? That aren’t just ‘keep practicing’?

  14. 今は日本の天気があついまだはさむいですか?

  15. Thank you so much, everyone. I spent great day because you guys talk with me!

  16. We don’t say “let’s talk with me”.

    Let’sって、「一緒に」という意味が入ってるので、with meというのは不要です

  17. I wanna visit Japan with my friends soon would you recommend any places to eat, stay, or visit

  18. What would you recommend someone to do if they want to learn Japanese it’s sonthing I’ve always been interested in and I started with an app called drops would you recommend anything else ?

  19. こんにちは。



    Does my Japanese make sense? I’m not very good yet. 下手ですね。

  20. こんにちは、デブチンです。今日はいい天気ですね。

    (I honestly have nothing to talk about, so I’m being a bit sarcastic, but i hope you have a good day today)

  21. 初めまして、れーこです!偽名です(笑)このサブでやっと日本人と巡り会えて嬉しいぃぃぃです(笑)横浜育ちの純浜っ子です。これは本当(笑)

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